For this month blog I would like to share an amazing...
“Nonconformity is the highest evolutionary attainment of social animals.”- Aldo Leopold...
September Week 1 : This week, 5 september 2014, I was...
“By September, the day breaks with little help from birds.” -Aldo...
Over the month of September I spent an hour outside each...
Over the past month I have been observing the area in...
“Our ability to perceive quality in nature begins, as...
The park in which this blog is set is called Mary...
There are degrees and kinds of solitude. An island in a...
In September most places in the western hemisphere are experiencing their...
Whenever I was deciding on where I wanted to spend my...
During the month of this past September, I enjoyed in several...
Ah, September. Temperatures are still quite hot this month, but getting...
I decided to explore my local neighborhood park...
Connect with your home environment: I take part in this as...
“Perhaps every youth needs an occasional wilderness trip, in order to...
Since I love outdoors it was an easy task for me...
During the course of the last month I visited the Barton...
Zilker park, an expansive field of lush green grass, serves as...
I walked the couple of minutes to Blunn Creek and...
9/11/14 91 degrees, mostly sunny ______________________________________________________ “I can feel the sun...
This month for my Land Ethic Blog, I visited the...
On Sunday the 29th of August I went to Blunn Creek...
Hey y’all! This is the most amazing blog that’s ever going...