In April 2017 GERC surveyed all faculty and key staff on draft student learning outcomes (SLOs) and other requirements for the Mission Markers & Interdisciplinary Concentrations portions of the new general education curriculum. The survey results can be found here: MM.IC.Survey-results-19h1ip4 (Please note that this report includes even numbered questions, Q10 – Q16, because the odd numbered questions were actually just descriptions of each curriculum element.)
St. Edward’s University is in its third year of a four-year general education curriculum revision. In April 2016 we passed a general education curriculum framework. In the Fall of 2016 over 80 faculty and key staff worked in Requirement Development Committees to draft the student learning outcomes (SLOs) and other requirements of each element of the curriculum. In addition to direct SEU community feedback via survey, GERC also gathered input from deans representing the views of their respective schools. The proposed SLOs and other requirements will be revised according to all of this feedback, then will be brought to Curriculum Committee and Academic Council.