Students will communicate effectively through oral, written, and visual forms.
Question 1. What demonstrable qualities of this outcome should a SEU graduate possess?
- Write with correct grammar along with decorum, style, and audience awareness
- Create a resume and cover letter; business oriented reports
- Learn MLA format
- Growth in effective speaking, writing clearly, and creativity
- Ability to convey a narrative visually and in multiple modes
- Demonstration of competence of these skills in foreign language for majors
- Support researched arguments
- Write and speak fluently and persuasively in a variety of contexts
Question 2. Please provide your views on how this outcome can best be achieved in general education and co-curricular programming.
- Papers, journal assignments, resumes, mock interviews
- Required General Education first-semester course/First Year writing program
- Scaffold, sequenced, and cumulative assignments across the 4-year curriculum with shared rubrics and outcomes
- 15-20 student maximum in these courses
- An oral communication center
- Cross-over with the majors