Archive of ‘1st Year Seminar’ category

Blog Post #12 Part 2 -1st Year Seminar

I found the study abroad presentations really informative, although i have already visited the international study office i didn’t know about the option for traveling in the summer while taking a class in the spring. I would love to study abroad to either Germany, Ireland, or England. I would like to go to those places because i am very in to photography and all of those places are very beautiful and would be great picture opportunities. I think that i am going to try to study abroad the summer of my sophomore year so that i can have some more time to think about where i want to go and figure out the finances.

Blog Post #11 Part 1- 1st Year Seminar

Seeing the alumni presentations were awesome! I really like seeing old St. Edwards students and how far they have come since they graduated. A lot of the alumni were able to give us ideas of were their work has taken them and how they were able to get jobs etc. It was cool being able to see how everyone had such diverse jobs and how they were able to land them. It gives me an idea of what it will be like when i go out to look for jobs. I mostly enjoyed seeing the graphic design alumni, because since that is my major i liked to see what jobs they had and what my future could hold. They all looked pretty content with their jobs, which gives me confidence about getting a job later. I think the alumni presentations were good for us to see because they show whats in store after college not only from just regular college students but St. Ed students.

Blog Post #10 Part 2 -1st Year Seminar

The alumni presentation were really cool, and i thought they were really inspirational. Seeing students work and what they have accomplished i thought was nice to see because it shows how much they have down and their stories on how they create their work. I liked seeing alumni present because they are experiencing college at the same time we are so it is kind of like an incite of what to expect in our later years in college. I really enjoyed seeing everyone’s different styles and also see what they are doing to get recognized in the art field. They showed me that its okay to change your mind multiple times and also how much work and effort it takes to be recognized.

Blog Post #9 Part 1 -1st Year Seminar

The faculty presentations were very interesting and i enjoyed being able to see the work of our professors. I thought that it was nice that we were able to see all of you all work, because although a lot of my professors are artists we don’t really get to view their work since we are busy working on class assignments. From the presentations i was able to learn about some of your stories and how they inspired your work and also all the time that you all spend on creating your works. I liked being able to see professional work rather than always focusing students works in the progress. It gave me inspiration of how you have to be very patient with your work but that it definitely pays off in the end.

Blog Post #7 Part 2- 1st Year Seminar

On my Time Tracker Sheet i noticed that my schedule hasn’t really changed that much the only thing that is really different from my first is that I’m not sleeping as much as before, although I’m not sleeping as much i am still sleeping about seven hours. I have been able to add more meals into my day since i was not eating a lot of the days until dinner. I still spend about the same amount of time on homework and doing other miscellaneous things. Overall I feel that I am still managing my time pretty well but that I need to try to get back on my regular sleep schedule and keep trying to find time to eat meal regularly.

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