February 2015 archive

Foundation Art and Design Dictionary

Balance- Equilibrium, creates flow of colors and lines.

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Color- Something an object poses in order to give personality and dimension.

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Emphasis- Having a greater impact.

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Light- Visibility of an object or the that the object creates.

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Line- Connection of points.

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Mass- The amount of presence an object contains.

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Plane- Length, height. and little width.

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Rhythm- a reoccurring pattern or movement.

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Scale and Porpotion- Ratio of an object and how it fits in a space.

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Shape- Closed form of lines.

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Space- Closed from of lines.

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Texture- Pattern with depth.

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Time and Motion- An object in 4D.

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Unity and Variety- Different properties that can be composed together.

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Value- The relative lightness or darkness of a color.

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Volume- How much X is contained in an area or object.

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