General Education Course Proposal Process and More

Want to be part of our new general education curriculum?  Visit the General Education Course Proposal Process page on this website to find out more or select from the list below to visit individual sections of that page.

Course Development Guidelines Supported by Academic Council for General Education Framework Components

During the Fall of 2016 over 80 faculty and key staff worked in Requirement Development Committees (RDCs) to propose Student Learning Outcomes and other requirements for each of the components of the new general education curriculum.  GERC then gathered two main forms of feedback on these requirements.  Each dean provided feedback, questions, and concerns relevant to particular departments and schools.  Additionally, all faculty and key staff received individual feedback surveys.  GERC shared feedback from the SEU community with the appropriate RDC groups and, when appropriate, asked for revisions.

The revised SLOs and other requirements for all curriculum elements except Mission Markers and Interdisciplinary Concentrations were supported by Academic Council as guidelines for course development in April of 2017.  Feedback has been collected for the Mission Markers and Interdisciplinary Concentrations, the appropriate RDC committees have reviewed it and responded, and the guidelines for course development for these curriculum elements will be reviewed by Academic Council in the early fall of 2017.