This last blog is probably the most interesting because half of us probably blogged about the November heat and the other half about the piercing cold. There are no more hoards of beetles running into things all over the place. In fact, there’s not much of anything running anywhere. The air is silent other than the distant hums of cars or the occasional bird calling out to one of its peers. This makes it easier to take a moment and review all that I’ve encountered through being outside during this odd start to a “winter”. Whether it was for an assignment, for pleasure, or to get from point A to point B, whenever I’d go outside I would never know what to expect. The creeks I’d visit in the summer are now puddles that should consider themselves lucky to have the meek little currents they do, however they don’t appear frail but rather soothing amidst all the detrimental effects of water shortages and suddenly these remnants of huge creeks seem all but hopeless. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day!
To sum up, wildlife once fed us and shaped our culture. It still yields us pleasure for leisure hours, but we try to reap that pleasure by modern machinery and thus destroy part of its value. Reaping it by modern mentality would yield not only pleasure, but wisdom as well.
-Aldo Leopold