Shealey, October

Over at the garden some wonderful things are about to happen! Planting is about to begin, which means new life is about to appear. Thus far, most of the garden work has been solely tilling the and getting rid of the pesky weeds surrounding the area. Tilling the land is a fun process that helps you release any anger or tension you might have built up. You just grab a shovel and continuously dig up the dirt and make nice, neat rows for the seed to eventually take residence in. You would think that waking up early to go and pull up weeds is not the way a Saturday should be spent. However, working together with people who truly care about the outcome of the garden makes it all worth it. Even though it is technically fall, it is in typical Texas fashion that the warm temperatures have continued throughout this month. Each time I went to visit the garden I always got a chance to sit and stew under the sun’s warm presence. however, I know the warm weather won’t last for much longer. The trees surrounding the garden have begun to drop some leaves and change in color. While the change is very subtle, it’s still apparent that the trees are about to get a complete makeover. In addition to the trees changing in appearance, the garden has gotten a few touch ups as well. Not only did we pull up all the weeds near the garden, we also put down some fresh mulch around the perimeter of the garden. The back story behind the mulch is actually really fascinating and another way our school is practicing sustainable processes. The St. Edward’s campus is much larger than the buildings, residence halls, and apartments. There’s a whole stretch of land behind Teresa and the apartments full of trees. Workers went through that area and cut down some superfluous trees and the area and that is how the we got our mulch for free with sustainable perks. The truly inspiring concept behind the garden is the thought put behind everything. The funding is small and the group contributing is small as well. However, there is a goal to grow things without putting too much strain on the earth. In the future I hope to have a chance to have my own sustainable garden. While reading A Sand County Almanac, Aldo says, “There are two spiritual dangers in not owning a farm. One is the danger of supposing that breakfast comes from the grocery, and the other that heat comes from the furnace.” Food is from the Earth and this truth can get lost in translation. The farming business nowadays is fully immersed in the idea of production and money, not quality and sustenance. Aldo’s quote also brings to mind the Atrazine debates we had in class. People should know how the chemicals used in food production is going to effect them, and the Communication department of major corporations are preventing this from happening. I know I am only working in a small community garden right now, but hopefully I can get to the point where I do more for the bigger gardens of the world. e.20141004_091230 20141004_091239 20141004_091254 20141004_091257 20141004_091303

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