While not as abundant at the plethora of Blue Bonnets, these flowers could be found scattered throughout the fields of blue.
For this month’s blog I decided to visit the amazing field atop the hill at the back of the St. Edward’s campus. This hill has caught my eye for quite some time because for the past month it has been completely covered by Blue Bonnets the Texas state flower. I live right down the street from this hill and notice countless people on my way home visiting the hill and taking pictures with the flowers. I decided to visit the hill on a Tuesday afternoon, around 3PM, with perfect weather conditions. It was 81 degrees out with pretty strong winds. As I first approached the hill I was taken back by the fact that so many flowers were growing in such close proximity to the school and the street. I could not believe that all of these were undisturbed especially because I had not noticed them my freshman year as well. Leopold has a great quote to describe the beauty that I experienced. “Our ability to perceive quality in nature begins, as in art, with the pretty. It expands through successive stages of the beautiful to values as yet uncaptured by language.” Like Leopold I am unable to describe the wonderful scenery just sitting at the top of our campus. As soon as I got to the hill I was hit with a powerful aroma set off by the countless flowers. The smell was magnificent, maybe not for my allergy ridden nose, but overall outstanding. As I sat atop the hill I also noticed countless species of butterflies all pollinating the flowers. While most I did not know the names of, there were plenty of monarch butterflies flying from plant to plant. The scene was as I said before magnificent. After watching these butterflies for a while I began to venture around the top of the hill. I noticed some garbage that had been dumped atop the hill to the side next to the forest. The stench was even greater than that of the flowers. I guess some freshman from the dorm was too lazy to take their trash to the dumpster right next to the dorm and instead dumped it on the hill. I also noticed a patch of flowers that had been stomped on I guess by someone who had sat on the ground to view the incredible scene. Unlike them I made a very conscious effort not to disturb the flowers growing absolutely everywhere. After seeing this I walked further down the hill and noticed countless families taking pictures with their children. It was a nice sight seeing so many people positively affected by just a few flowers on a hill. Overall I had a great experience seeing the countless flowers and beautiful scenery. I suggest for any St. Edward’s student to visit the hill before the flowers disappear!