Check out for examples of Pecha Kucha presentations. There are some fun ones on there like the one on the Delorean (for you Back to the Future fans).
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Prep for Day 9
In preparation for Day 9, Thursday, May 29
First hour topic: Spatial and Mapping Pedagogy, Place-based and Community-based Teaching
Please read the following articles –
Enhancing Teaching and Learning Practices with Digital Mapping Approaches
Lessons Learned While Developing a Community-Based Learning Initiative –
Prep for Day 8
To prep for Day 8, Wed, May 28
1. Take a few moments to review the portion of your project proposal that addressed your assessment plan.
2. Consider your goals for translating your project into a scholarly presentation or publication:
- Are you interested in developing this pedagogical experiment into an area of scholarly work?
- Can you imagine presenting on this topic at a conference, or even writing an article about it?
- If so, what conferences or journals might be appropriate venues for you to present or publish on this topic?
- Are you collecting the right kind of assessment information in order to share this project publicly with others?
- Would you consider applying for a summer presidential excellence grant to pursue work turning this project into a scholarly project?
Personal Learning Networks – another thought
Anyone use Pearltrees?
Personal Learning Network
These are my favorites but I am not brilliant because I find I never have time to set them up properly- using Michelle Martin’s categories:
Gathering: Feedly and ZETOC; Tweetdeck; Researchgate and Academia. I listen to podcasts a lot when driving – for those of you who dont know it try – they have very interesting speakers on a wide range of topical academic and world changing matters.
Processing: I used to use Diigo but I actually prefer Zotero. It is open source and very easy to use – my dilemma students used it this Spring and fell in love! I also like OneNote for taking notes which dont get lost in a mass of paper on my desk!
Acting on Information: This is where I come unstuck. I hope to learn to be better and not think I do not have time to blog/tweet etc. I am useless at Linkedin. I think that because I have contacts across a range of working environments I am quite good at gathering and sharing with others within my ‘network’ but I tend to do it by email. I do like working cooperatively with colleagues from different academic and work disciplines. Applying for grants with them seem to be a good way to be able to collate and act on the information.
Digital Projects
I lead students in research on the international laws of human trafficking in 2012, they published their research through sharing their Diigo libraries. This summer, and continuing through 2014-2015 my class in Human Rights and Human Trafficking will be creating, and adding to, a website which will be a space for sharing research on the topic.
Prep for Day 3
In preparation for Day 3, please do the following:
- Look at the inquiry-guided learning page to familiarize yourself with the concepts we will be discussing. Next, take a few minutes to review these two articles which encapsulate the controversy surrounding this methodology.
- First, a compelling argument for “Why Mininmal Guidance During Instruction Does Not Work…”:
- Followed by a compelling rebuttal: “Scaffolding and Achievement in Problem-Based Learning: A response….”
2. Read the “assigned readings” on the global learning page.