CSE Style Guide
- Includes information on manuscript preparation and markup, sample correspondence,
- Has a citation quick guide
- Has new recommendations and examples for citing online images and information
Resources for Specific Disciplines
General Natural Science Resources
Interactive Science
- Allows students to visualize things such as molecules, cells, and organs through interactive 3D models
- You can browse by Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Anatomy
- You can refine the four branches of science mentioned above even further by clicking on “refine by category” underneath each branch
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)
- The Munday Library has access to Biology, Chemistry, Immunology & Infection, and Neuroscience videos
- You need to create an account using your St. Edwards Email Address
- Includes videos of lab techniques, dissections, and more
- Also includes educational content (lecture style videos) for the different scientific disciplines.
- These videos are available in several languages including Spanish, Italian and Korean.
- Transcripts for the videos are also available
- Full-text access to the journals published by Nature Research, covering many aspects of the physical and natural sciences.
- You can search for articles by subject, key word, or author. You also specify if you want to search all the journals in Nature’s data base or just a specific one.
- You can click “view all journals” to get a list of journals that the Nature database has
- Some examples of journals include pediatric research, psychiatry, Human Genome Variation, etc.
- You can also search by publication year, Boolean operators, etc. in the advanced search portion of the search bar.
SciTech Premium Collection
- Includes the Natural Science Collection and Technology Collection databases and provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, magazines, conference proceedings, government publications and more.
- The database automatically opens to the advanced search. If you want to use the basic search tool, you can click “SciTech Premium Collection” and it will pop up.
- In the basic search you can limit your search to full text articles or peer reviewed articles.
- If you want to use the advanced search, you can search by publication date, publication company, subject headings, source type (i.e., book, magazine, scholarly journal), and language.
Science Direct
- Contains over 25% of the world’s science, technology and medicine full text journals and bibliographic information
- You will need to create an account with your St. Edwards Information.
- Click “sign in” in the upper right corner of the web page
- Click “sign in by institution” and enter your St. Edwards email address. Doing this will take you through the steps of registering your ScienceDirect Account.
- The website homepage breaks the journals into broad categories (i.e., Physical Science, Life Science, Social Science).
- You can then narrow the broad journal categories into narrower categories (i.e., Biochemistry, immunology, and neuroscience)
- You can search by keyword, Journal or Book Title, or author(s)
- In the advanced search tab you can narrow your results by publication year, journal volume number, etc.
Science One File
- Has information on the latest developments across a range of scientific disciplines.
- If you sign in with your St. Edwards email address, you will be able to see search history, which could be helpful if you are doing research projects.
- Search tools include topic finder, Subject Guide Search, and publication search
- In the Topic Finder, you can input keywords and the database will generate a wheel of topics relating to those keywords.
- In the subject guide search you can search by subject as well as narrow your search to publication date, peer reviewed journals, and full text articles.
- In the publication search section you can search for specific publications as well as narrow your search by date, peer reviewed journals, type of publication, etc.
Science and Technology Collection
- Covers relevant aspects of the scientific and technical community.
- Topics include aeronautics, astrophysics, biology, chemistry, computer technology, geology, aviation, physics, archaeology, marine sciences and materials science
- You can log in with your St. Edwards Gmail if you want to be able to save articles to the database itself.
- You can search by keywords or you can click search options below the basic search bar for more options
- For more information on how to search the database, click the question mark on the right hand side of the search bar
Science In Context
- Contains information ranging from earth science and life science, to space, technology, mathematics and science history and biography.
- You can browse the A-Z list of topics by clicking on the “browse all topics” button
- You can also limit your search to peer reviewed articles in the advanced search option.
Springer Journals
- Full access to articles and journals published by Springer
- Subjects covered include business, humanities, social sciences, natural and physical science, and technology.
- You can browse for articles by discipline, or you can search using keywords
- You can also browse for a specific journal by selecting “find a journal” on the upper left corner of the page
- You can advanced search by clicking on the settings wheel on the right side of the search bar
Springer EBook Collection
- Full text access in HTML and PDF formats to the the electronic versions of books published by Springer
- Content Areas are Architecture and Design; Behavioral Science; Biomedical and Life Sciences; Business and Economics; Chemistry and Materials Science; Computer Science; Earth and Environmental Science; Engineering; Humanities, Social Sciences and Law; Mathematics and Statistics; Medicine; Physics and Astronomy; and Professional Computing & Web Design.