STOP Mindless Eating
Something I have come to realize while going about my life is that I need to pay attention to everything I do. When I say everything, I mean everything!
I’ve had moments where I’ll eat something and then once I’m done eating it I think to myself “why on earth did I just eat that right now?”
I call this “mindless eating” and I have had so many moments where I’ve been guilty of this. The reason why “mindless eating” is such a horrible thing is because you don’t realize it is even happening. It might sound ridiculous that a person can eat without knowing, but trust me, it does happen to people!
Another reason why you need to pay close attention to what you consume is because what you might be eating could be something that is unhealthy. 100% of the time when I mindless eat, it is something unhealthy—this means my body is craving unhealthy food and I am succumbing to it! SAY IT AIN’T SO!
Okay, so this “mindless eating” is something that needs to be X’d out of my life and your life if you experience this! I find this happens to me the most when I’m busy multi-tasking and then the next thing I know, I’m eating a candy bar.
The solution? Next time you find yourself reaching for something, make sure it’s healthy and will benefit you in some way. Once you start trading the junk for the healthy foods, you’ll notice a difference on the scale. Another thing I started doing is the whole “is it worth it?” deal. Before I mindlessly eat/grab something to eat I ask myself “is it worth it?” is it worth the calories, the hours I’ll have to spend in the gym,, my clothes not fitting right? When you go through those series of questions before you eat, you, in a way, force yourself into eating healthy.
-Chanel T.
It’s True…You Are What You Eat
We’ve all heard the phrase “You are what you eat” and yet I don’t think it’s something most people keep in mind.
The type of food we put into our body is incredibly important. To put it simply: “eat crap, feel like crap”. Eat food that’s GOOD for you and you’ll feel GOOD <–shocking right?
“Then why do I feel happy/good when I eat a doughnut?” you ask? Our brain has this trick it does where it basically links moments we have with food with a feeling, so if the thought of doughnuts/eating a doughnut gets you in a good mood, it’s because your brain is releasing a chemical that establishes that “connection” with the food.
So you might think you can eat crappy food and still feel awesome, but really that’s false. Foods loaded with sodium (salt) sugar, and ingredients we can’t even pronounce/spell, really don’t do much for us except cause use to feel like we have no energy, be/feel unhealthy, bloated, look more tired, and much more.
Do you and your body a favor and grab fruit before you reach for that candy bar. Make healthier choices and you’ll notice it’ll do nothing but benefit you. First and foremost, you’ll get a great deal of energy–who doesn’t want that? Not to mention you’ll also shed some pounds, your skin will have a glow to it, no more bloated look, and the list goes on.
You don’t need those energy drinks, your energy is a pure reflection of what you eat (and of course sleep, but when you don’t have enough time to get some of that, pick your food wisely to help boost energy).
So remember: “Eat crap, feel like crap” to stay away from the junk & “eat food that’s GOOD for you in order to feel GOOD“.
-Chanel T.
Jump Your Way to Healthiness
Before I begin this post, I’d like to give credit to Women’s Health magazine’s Editorial Assistant, Caitlin Carlson for the information regarding this great tip on how to boost your metabolism.
One of the most common complaints I hear from my friends about working out (right next to working out at all) is that working out isn’t fun. I’m here to tell you that this isn’t true, working out can be fun, even to the point where you don’t mind doing it, and yes…even look FORWARD to doing it.
I read an article regarding ways to boost your metabolism–and for those who don’t know what “metabolism” means/is, according to
“Metabolism: the sum of the physical and chemical processes in an organism by which its material substance is produced, maintained, and destroyed, and by which energy is made available.”
Basically it means, the ability to burn calories–the faster your body is able to, the better!
Jumping rope is a GREAT way to boost your metabolism. The fact that it is a high-energy exercise helps you to burn many calories. So how do you increase your metabolism you ask? Simple.
Get a jump rope (be aware of the length, you want it to be long enough for you according to your height), make sure you’re in a place where you have room to jump rope, and keep in mind that you must use your WRISTS (not your hands) to twirl the rope.
Here are the exercises Women’s Health magazine recommend doing:
1. Singles: Jump rope with two feet.
2. One-foot alternating singles: Hop from foot to foot.
3. Multiples: Do two left-foot single jumps, then two right. To make it harder, increase
the number on each foot before alternating.
4. Wide-outs: Start with your feet together, then spread them wide on every other jump.
Increase the difficulty by crossing your feet when you jump in.
5. Cross Country Skiers : jump forward with one foot and back with the other, then switch.
6. High knees: Lift one knee toward your chest, then the other.
7. Butt kickers: Kick one heel toward your butt, then the other.
Do each exercise for a minute and move onto the next one without resting. I recommend not doing what you aren’t fully comfortable with at first. Of course, eventually it’s important to overcome the exercise to keep your body guessing with the different techniques you throw at it—so start off doing what you know/know what your body will allow you to do, then gradually make challenge it. By doing this exercise, you increase your metabolism which in turn will allow you to burn calories faster, which helps lead to weight-loss! Give it a try and see what you think, you owe it to yourself and your body!
I’m a firm believer in making working out as much fun as possible so I hope this tip inspired y’all to try this out or even find another fun way to work out.
-Chanel T.
Food for Thought
I know I stated that this blog is dedicated to creating a better you and even though the last few posts have been helping you become a better you in the physical sense, I felt the need to incorporate stuff that would help create a better you in a mental sense as well. After all, there’s no rules in blogging so let’s roll with it.
I was at the drive-thru giving the person my order and anytime I gave an answer I’d respond with “Yes Ma’am” (like I always do when ordering) and the voice of the woman taking my order got super cheery as soon as she caught onto it.
It came time to pay her and my talkative-Communication-major-self struck up a conversation with her, asking how her day was going. We joked about working and how it sometimes seems never-ending. Right before I had to pull-up to the next window she told me “Thanks.”
Of course I’m confused, why is she thanking me? I didn’t do anything. I guess she noticed the confused look on my apparently blatantly obvious face and followed her statement with:
“That’s the most I’ve talked to someone and I’ve been here at the window for almost 5 hours now.”
Baffled, I told her it was nothing and that I always chat people up because I clearly love to talk && then we ended the conversation with cheery goodbyes to one another.
But I mean, wow. No one bothered to ask the person who was serving them how their day was going, or even bother saying something more than their order to her? && judging by how she reacted when I replied with “Yes Ma”am” when ordering, it seems like nobody really showed her any obvious respect like that. Call me crazy, but is that not strange to anyone else??
So next time you’re ordering at a drive-thru, at the cash register somewhere, or see someone doing custodial work—tell them hi, use “sir” or “ma’am” or, even better, ask them how their day is going. You could easily make someone’s day, someone’s shift, && even put a smile to their face. && if they are happy, they’ll most likely do their job better and the list goes on and on with how far this chain reaction can go.
They might be confused as to why the hell you’re doing that, but trust me, it’s a little thing that will go a long way. So go on your way and make someone’s day!
-Chanel T.
Make Working Out a Priority
If you really want to be healthy/stay healthy, then being active in your everyday lifestyle is an absolute MUST!
The excuse I often hear is “I don’t have time to workout” because people have this idea that we are supposed to work out EVERY DAY for hours upon hours.
I’m here to tell you that’s not true and that you DO have time to workout despite your busy schedule. First off, it isn’t even healthy for someone to work out every day. That is actually the best way to get your body pissed off at you. Like you need your sleep to rest, you body needs rest as well–it’s that simple.
My recommendation is to try to work out at 2-3 times a week. Spread the days you workout though! Try working out on Tuesday (because Mondays are just bad in general), Friday (way before you go out) and on Sunday (that’s usually a free day). Of course, feel free to make your own schedule, I just did this because according to my friends, all of whom I’ve recommended this to (all of them are college students), and they say those are ideal days to workout.
On top of that, you don’t even need to workout for long–if you can do a 30-45 minute workout on all three days, that will be a good amount. Especially for people who are beginning to incorporate working out into their lives, this will be the right amount for you as well!
I cannot stress enough to you the importance of working-out. When you workout, endorphins (a fancy word for chemicals within your body) are released and basically make you happy—which means, if you workout, you’ll feel happy! Of course, you’re already going to feel good about yourself because you’re getting healthy.
So incorporate a 2-3 times a week, 30-45 minute workout and it’ll work wonders for your body! Make sure to spend every minute doing something that makes you sweat, if not, you’re not working your body out.
Until next time!
-Chanel T.
Drop the Soda
The first healthy tip I want to share with you is one I feel is quick to eliminate some weight. It’s very simple: all you have to do is stop drinking sodas. That’s right, eliminate sodas from your diet.
If you’re the kind of person who drinks sodas daily, or even every other day, this might come off as a very challenging idea, and I won’t lie to you it will be…at first!
Ordering a soda with your lunch or dinner is something that probably comes natural to you if you’re a soda-drinker. Almost even to the point that you don’t even have to think twice before you order. Whether it’s for the sugar, caffeine, or even the bubbles (or all of the above), you just have to remind yourself, ordering that soda isn’t worth it.
Ridding sodas will not only lead to you shedding some pounds, but it’ll also, help your body become more healthy because it’s not consuming loads of sugar. A study posted in the “Diabetes Care” journal stated that even if someone is drinking one soda per day, they are increasing their risk for diabetes by 25%.
Like I’ve previously stated in my first blog post, this blog isn’t dedicated to making a person become as skinny as a stick, but instead, how to live a healthier life! Eliminating sodas from your diet will do nothing but benefit you in ways more than one. After all, don’t we all want to live a long and healthy life?
If you are like me, and don’t even drink sodas to begin with, then I challenge you to drop sugary drinks in general—these can come in the form of various juices. You wouldn’t think that a glass of orange juice would do any harm to you, but those juices can be very sneaky. Go out for happy hour often? Try ditching that idea. Alcohol packs loads of calories, and by eliminating that from your diet, you’re guaranteed to shed some unwanted pounds.
If you’re the kind of person who can’t go “cold turkey” aka eliminate something from your diet completely right away, then work towards it! Tell yourself you can only have a soda 2 times a week at most. This way, you are training your body to get used to a smaller intake of sugar, and it also won’t seem as intimidating of a goal!
The worst thing you can do is cheat. Sure, I won’t be able to tell if you had an extra soda this week, but you’re only cheating yourself and your body of achieving pure “healthy-ness” and ulimately, a better you. Do yourself a favor, and stay on track!
Good luck with this new challenge and be sure to be on the look-out for my next post!
-Chanel T.
Let’s Get Healthy!
The purpose of this blog is to encourage my readers to get healthy!
This has nothing to do with “how to become as skinny as a stick”, but more of, how to better your life with better foods, incorporate more exercises into your life, and tips on how to live a happy life.
We’re all very busy people so the tips I provide you are going to be easy and very doable with anyone’s schedule/lifestyle!
I would say this is more for people who don’t favor working out/don’t consider themselves to be work-out-obsessed-people, that means I’m talking to you beginners! But of course, everyone could always use some extra advice so it can appeal to people of all sorts.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me! The advice I will be giving is advice that has worked for me and/or ideas that I’ve gotten from some people that I believe in! All advice given will result in nothing but a healthier and happier you if you choose to take my advice! I promise you, you won’t be sorry and that you’ll see results fast if you stick to this blog!
As for me? I am a woman of curves. I have a somewhat athletic build and that’s due to my love of working out/staying active. I eat somewhat healthy, but I definitely have moments where junk food gets the best of me (and that’s okay!).
Basically—we’re all in this together! Nothing but motivation will be provided on my end! Of course, y’all will be my motivation to stick with my own advice.
I hope you will enjoy this blog, as this will be a great experience for all of us!
-Chanel T.