Drop the Soda

The first healthy tip I want to share with you is one I feel is quick to eliminate some weight. It’s very simple: all you have to do is stop drinking sodas. That’s right, eliminate sodas from your diet.

If you’re the kind of person who drinks sodas daily, or even every other day, this might come off as a very challenging idea, and I won’t lie to you it will be…at first!

Ordering a soda with your lunch or dinner is something that probably comes natural to you if you’re a soda-drinker.  Almost even to the point that you don’t even have to think twice before you order. Whether it’s for the sugar, caffeine, or even the bubbles (or all of the above), you just have to remind yourself, ordering that soda isn’t worth it.

Ridding sodas will not only lead to you shedding some pounds, but it’ll also, help your body become more healthy because it’s not consuming loads of sugar.  A study posted in the “Diabetes Care” journal stated that even if someone is drinking one soda per day, they are increasing their risk for diabetes by 25%.

Like I’ve previously stated in my first blog post, this blog isn’t dedicated to making a person become as skinny as a stick, but instead, how to live a healthier life! Eliminating sodas from your diet will do nothing but benefit you in ways more than one. After all, don’t we all want to live a long and healthy life?

If you are like me, and don’t even drink sodas to begin with, then I challenge you to drop sugary drinks in general—these can come in the form of various juices. You wouldn’t think that a glass of orange juice would do any harm to you, but those juices can be very sneaky. Go out for happy hour often? Try ditching that idea. Alcohol packs loads of calories, and by eliminating that from your diet, you’re guaranteed to shed some unwanted pounds.

If you’re the kind of person who can’t go “cold turkey” aka eliminate something from your diet completely right away, then work towards it! Tell yourself you can only have a soda 2 times a week at most. This way, you are training your body to get used to a smaller intake of sugar, and it also won’t seem as intimidating of a goal!

The worst thing you can do is cheat. Sure, I won’t be able to tell if you had an extra soda this week, but you’re only cheating yourself and your body of achieving pure “healthy-ness” and ulimately, a better you. Do yourself a favor, and stay on track!

Good luck with this new challenge and be sure to be on the look-out for my next post!

-Chanel T.



About Chanel T.

Hey, I just met you....and this is crazy....but I don't give too much info out....so just ask me maybe ;)
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