It’s True…You Are What You Eat

We’ve all heard the phrase “You are what you eat” and yet I don’t think it’s something most people keep in mind.

The type of food we put into our body is incredibly important.  To put it simply: “eat crap, feel like crap”.  Eat food that’s GOOD for you and you’ll feel GOOD <–shocking right?

“Then why do I feel happy/good when I eat a doughnut?” you ask? Our brain has this trick it does where it basically links moments we have with food with a feeling, so if the thought of doughnuts/eating a doughnut gets you in a good mood, it’s because your brain is releasing a chemical that establishes that “connection” with the food.

So you might think you can eat crappy food and still feel awesome, but really that’s false.  Foods loaded with sodium (salt) sugar, and ingredients we can’t even pronounce/spell, really don’t do much for us except cause use to feel like we have no energy, be/feel unhealthy, bloated, look more tired, and much more.

Do you and your body a favor and grab fruit before you reach for that candy bar.  Make healthier choices and you’ll notice it’ll do nothing but benefit you. First and foremost, you’ll get a great deal of energy–who doesn’t want that? Not to mention you’ll also shed some pounds, your skin will have a glow to it, no more bloated look, and the list goes on.

You don’t need those energy drinks, your energy is a pure reflection of what you eat (and of course sleep, but when you don’t have enough time to get some of that, pick your food wisely to help boost energy).

So remember: “Eat crap, feel like crap” to stay away from the junk & “eat food that’s GOOD for you in order to feel GOOD“.

-Chanel T.

About Chanel T.

Hey, I just met you....and this is crazy....but I don't give too much info just ask me maybe ;)
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