STOP Mindless Eating

Something I have come to realize while going about my life is that I need to pay attention to everything I do.  When I say everything, I mean everything!

I’ve had moments where I’ll eat something and then once I’m done eating it I think to myself “why on earth did I just eat that right now?”

I call this “mindless eating” and I have had so many moments where I’ve been guilty of this.  The reason why “mindless eating” is such a horrible thing is because you don’t realize it is even happening.  It might sound ridiculous that a person can eat without knowing, but trust me, it does happen to people!

Another reason why you need to pay close attention to what you consume is because what you might be eating could be something that is unhealthy. 100% of the time when I mindless eat, it is something unhealthy—this means my body is craving unhealthy food and I am succumbing to it! SAY IT AIN’T SO!

Okay, so this “mindless eating” is something that needs to be X’d out of my life and your life if you experience this! I find this happens to me the most when I’m busy multi-tasking and then the next thing I know, I’m eating a candy bar.

The solution? Next time you find yourself reaching for something, make sure it’s healthy and will benefit you in some way.  Once you start trading the junk for the healthy foods, you’ll notice a difference on the scale. Another thing I started doing is the whole “is it worth it?” deal.  Before I mindlessly eat/grab something to eat I ask myself “is it worth it?” is it worth the calories, the hours I’ll have to spend in the gym,, my clothes not fitting right? When you go through those series of questions before you eat, you, in a way, force yourself into eating healthy.

-Chanel T.

About Chanel T.

Hey, I just met you....and this is crazy....but I don't give too much info just ask me maybe ;)
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