Week Six: Sept. 29-Oct. 3

Lots going on this week! We’re starting Monday with discussions of the chapter “Cairo: City in Waiting” from Diaries of an Unfinished Revolution. Hopefully those of you who missed class on Friday looked at the slides posted on Friday with some questions to guide you through reading that chapter.

The second film in the Middle East Film Series is this Wednesday at 6:00 in Moody 126. It’s a Turkish movie about ethnic cleansing and nationalism, hosted by Dr. Selin Guner from Global Studies. Here’s the trailer, which is unsubtitled (but the movie will be):

On Wednesday we’re looking at the chapter in Controversies in Globalization on trade liberalization (first chapter after the introduction). We’re reading this chapter to understand some theories about what happens when a closed, nationalized economy begins opening up to outside trade and privatizing. For Friday we’ll read and discuss some articles about Anwar Sadat’s trade liberalization policies, known as the Infitah or ‘opening up.’

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