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Aside from the general safety and well-being of the Egyptian people, there are other aspects of the country which have started to feel to negative affects of the regions continuous violence. With enough political and social problems to deal with, the incoming presidency is also going to face major economic concerns across the country. As we’ve seen throughout the course there’s a distinct link between a countries sociology, politics, security, economy, and ecology that has to be looked at from all angles to make a real difference. As one starts to slip it will be felt across the board as Egypt is now realizing economically.


“How will latest violence in Egypt affect wider economy?”

15 August 2013: BBC News

Attention is turning to how Egypt’s Middle Eastern neighbors will react following the latest violence in Cairo.

Following President Morsi’s ousting, countries in the Arabian peninsula offered financial aid – Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates alone have already pledged a total of $8BN.

The BBC’s Simon Atkinson gave more information about the region’s response to the violence and the economic impact on the Egyptian people:

“Food inflation is about 20% at the moment… tourism’s already down by about 50% since the revolution two years ago… and foreign investment’s down 75%.”

Short video from article

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