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Africa and Global Indexes

Question: Look at a country or countries that you might focus on and look at how they are rated in a few of the global indexes in the folder labeled Global Indexes. Describe and compare, which features seem consistent with political violence?

Relating to the global indexes post, our group focused mainly on Africa and the surrounding countries. As would probably be expected most of the countries in and around Africa have struggled with improving peace, human rights, and stability. This is mainly due to issues surrounding government problems and civil conflict in a lot of the region. The subject of defining homemade terrorism was also brought up as Africa has so many civil issues. There are some areas sprinkled along the coasts and southern part of Africa that are improving but the majority of countries in Africa continue to struggle with improving their overall global peace, global terrorism, and fund for peace indexes. Lack of resources, education, and stable governments also plays into the problems facing many of these countries.


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