The Advertising Amateur

learning to communicate with images

Entries Tagged as 'advertising'

Visual Puns: How Advertising Appeals to Society

March 30, 2013 by tsarain · 17 Comments · Uncategorized

“Say Cheese…” “Reach. For the places your toothbrush hasn’t been to in a long time.” “Get A Tasty New Look” Aren’t these images punny?! Visual puns are puns that involve an image or images in addition to words and language. Many times visual puns are puns through the use of images themselves. Brands, marketers, and […]


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Spring Break!: A Plethora of Advertising

February 28, 2013 by tsarain · 4 Comments · Uncategorized

Spring break is just around the corner! As a college student, I can already feel the excitement among the student body at school. Everyone seems to be getting last minute papers, presentations, assignments and interviews done like machines. The idea of finally getting sleep, being able to relax and get some sun is what pulls […]


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Facebook: Social Media King. Is it King for PR and Advertising too?

February 11, 2013 by tsarain · No Comments · Uncategorized

Ever since Facebook came on the scene, people have been talking about the next best thing in social networking and social media. This makes sense, because so many people from all over the world made the transfer from Myspace to Facebook because their friends and contacts were also migrating. After all, the main purpose of […]


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Studying the Super Bowl

February 4, 2013 by tsarain · 1 Comment · Uncategorized

As a student aspiring to work in advertising, learning must start somewhere and with something. For me, my learning is starting this Sunday evening on my couch with the Super Bowl. When I was younger, I remember gathering with family and friends for the Super Bowl, but since I wasn’t a football fan I’d only […]


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About This Blog

January 30, 2013 by tsarain · No Comments · Uncategorized

I’m a student at St. Edward’s University and I’m a communication major with a focus in Public Relations and Advertising. Someday, I hope to become a creative director for advertisement campaigns. I decided to take Social Media for Public Relations, because I knew it would be helpful in giving me skills and insight that can […]


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