Spring Break is over and I said I’d record the advertising campaigns that I saw during my camping trip on South Padre Island, but I actually didn’t see many! I did see a vehicles advertising beverages, but that’s not anything new. Usually brands advertise on the beach where all the spring breakers go to party, […]
Entries Tagged as 'spring break'
How Spring Break Uses Social Media
March 22, 2013 242 Comments · Uncategorized
·Tags: Canada·DJMAG·DJMAG.CA·social media·South Padre Island·spring break·Ultimate Music Festival·UME
Spring Break!: A Plethora of Advertising
February 28, 2013 4 Comments · Uncategorized
·Spring break is just around the corner! As a college student, I can already feel the excitement among the student body at school. Everyone seems to be getting last minute papers, presentations, assignments and interviews done like machines. The idea of finally getting sleep, being able to relax and get some sun is what pulls […]
Tags: advertising·engaging·experiential·Island·Padre·South·spring break·SXSW