End of the Semester Wrap up.

Now what in the world is this ms paint looking map you’ve put before me Jack, well its where I would have gone with my Source project had I more time and resources to work on it. Wow, this is functional Jack, but it looks like garbage, and to that I say, Yes, Yes it is.

I must say Tuan, this class wasn’t the boon of inspiration that I had expected it to be, why do you think that is?

Power Report Work Breakdown

Though I never made  a post on my work hours prior I’d say that I am adequately following an appropriate work schedule on a project yet discussed online. Working on it at least twice a week for sessions of on average 4 1/2 hours and having in total at this point 40 hours working on it, it has been completed at an adequate pace.

Sophisticated work is not something that I would have ever described my work as in the past, but being made to ask myself this question, I would say that even still such work is still out of reach for me, and of the work that I view regularly I’m not sure what could even be considered ‘sophisticated’. My ability to analyze others work has not yet broken out of the simple lexicon that I am partial to using for a majority of the mundane activities that I do.

Work this semester in typography 2 I have made little use of my knowledge from the original except in the lessons on relation to space and format, as text and language have really only played a small part of the creative process on the only project that we have worked on this semester.

When making this project I am typically a little hesitant on the colors that I am choosing to apply to bring out the subjects, and the inherent messages with those colors. I have used colors and printed out things before, and have tried to think of what colors would make things pop in the past, but time and time again I don’t take something into account and end with a final version that I think would have been better in grey scale.

In significance in scale I would say the Bat Bridge Project from last year in which I made an app for the south congress st. bridge, and then the year before that, the examination of data and creation of many graphs about that data in a pointed manner. I would place this project in between the two with the bat bridge above and graph analysis below. The bat project as a final had to have many parts that all fit together nicely and a lot of extra creative work that on top of it made a cohesive whole. The graph analysis project more than anything was more a project on being able to analyze data more than it was the ability to present that data.This project is unique in that it considers motion more than the app ever did with things sharing a space a space that they rearrange themselves in under different criteria. Bat bridge is rated higher mostly on the fact that I got to spend a good portion of the time designing a mascot character for the project making it more enjoyable experience, while the graph project is rated lower because their wasn’t as much design and creativity with analysis getting in the way. This project might have been more highly rated if Fire Emblem: Three Houses had not also come out recently and devoured a good portion of my time the first week I got it.

While I agree that creative growth stems from experience from others I would not say that anyone except for myself is responsible for this growth. While the responsibility to grow is in myself I would say that encouragement for this growth does lie in others. My professor Tuan has played a small role in this simply through the act of making assignments in the way that he does, encouraging me to go back on work previously thought to be finished but with new eyes to make it anew and better than before. But the biggest encouragement comes from my friends as the have given me motivation to attend events and with the beginnings of a dungeons and dragons campaign completely created by myself they have given me entire worlds to build and hopefully share with the world. Showing up an hour early most days of class and getting right to work has proven to be a mostly effective means to stay on top of all that Tuan has given for me to do, and doing such simply because I was able to do so at such a time.

Tuan why does it seem as though you are not confident in yourself as professor, with your insistence on the first day that you were not a teacher simply because you did not have the same certification as one, and when you eventually do get that certification, if you get that certification, what about you will have changed about yourself now that is keeping you from this.

The Professors

Bob was the first to talk about his past and his work in the seminar, telling of his love of pinball, his involvement in revolutionary games such as Barbies Race & Ride, and other cool things he did while involved in the industry.

Joe Vitone went next showing his collection of photos taken of ordinary people. The set featured people in his family with some of the people appearing in more than one of the images taken several years apart.

Alex went last focusing not on her own work but that of her children with photos passing rapidly. She talked about how the children coming in changed her life and there by her art, constraining her space and time to work. She finished the set with some of her works that took some inspiration on the simple ideas put in her children’s strange photos.

While this class has not done much itself, it felt like it served as a reminder as to why I’m here, seeing these people who are working in areas that I want to reach and with people who I want to meet. This semester has felt like, how I imaging a tutorial for college would be set up. Nothing too overwhelming, but some challenges to prepare you for whats coming. And don’t think I didn’t notice the change in the seminars homework from something that could be bullcrapped, to something that you hopefully took notes in class for. It was a good idea to make people pay attention in class, but I feel quite a bit of content could have been missed out on, by changing too this formula.

A Game in Alpha

Last seminar two people came to talk about the game that they are creating. An Indie title that uses procedural generated characters to tell a unique stories that will be unique to your experience. They use a unique comic conversation system that is used to give the player agency in the story, as well as a way to prevent the player from having to read large walls of text. They are a prime example of the amount of time that it takes to create a good game with a small team of creators, having had worked on it for 2 years I think. From them I learn that its a good idea to work in the game industry in some way to get deeper in, making games with/for bigger companies.

Of the faculty I want to know something. “What do you think of all the IGST Majors, in all honesty?

Skills Inventory

  1. My greatest strengths in Visual Studies include:
    1. My ability to interpret instructions and apply a unique spin on them
  2. For greater success in this course, I need to:
    1. start on projects sooner

Computer skills:

  1. My computer skills include:
    1. training in all microsoft software as well as adobe premiere and a strong grasp of how to figure things out
  2. I still need to learn:
    1. most other adobe software and maya

Research & writing skills:

  1. My greatest strengths as a researcher/writer include:
    1. my ability to find information on subjects easily and put their research into my own words
  2. I need to work on these aspects of research and writing:
    1. being able to form arguments on subjects that I have no opinion on
  3. I learn best & accomplish most when:
    1. I stop getting caught up in the details

There you go with the cookie cutter answers to basic questions.

My rights in Latin America class I could be doing better in if I

  1. start writing papers sooner
  2. start researching subjects sooner
  3. read the books in advance
  4. prepare speeches to present my projects with
  5. listened and took notes in class better
  6. attended more of the out of class events
  7. talked with other group members more before presentations
  8. scheduled my time for working on the class
  9. got out of bed, and had breakfast earlier
  10. cared about the class

Website layouts

With the semester rolling along, it would probably be a good idea to start thinking of setting up a new website, several websites have excellent designs to accomplish their own goals

  1. Imgur https://imgur.com/

Imgur arose out of the need for a proper place to share images and gifs on the internet for the internet colossus that is reddit. The grid view gives easy access to images that might catch ones eye as interesting, or you may just go through the images one at a time going through various collections. The layout of their mobile version is also very convenient.

2. Hiveworks  https://www.thehiveworks.com/

The Hiveworks pages are a convenient way to find and follow several webcomics with ease, but the page they use is not all they have to boast as each of the comics that they sponsor has a custom made page to meet the authors needs and desires, with desktop and mobile friendly versions that make them easy to navigate and keep up with.

3. Serebii https://serebii.net/

Serebii is the location for all Pokemon and pokemon related news and information. with easy to use tabs to find info on any past game or their homepage with daily updates on current events. While it’s not the best looking site on this list, its layout is effective, and at least better looking then Bulbapedia.

4.Crunchyroll http://www.crunchyroll.com/

This site is a convenient, free, legal way to watch anime, (and dramas, but no one watches those) with a homepage that highlights currently airing series, as well as the most popular series. The queue section also gives you an easy way to orgainize shows you plan on watching. Has a convenient app too.

5. tumblr  https://www.tumblr.com/

While I personally think this websites community holds the scum of the earth, the site itself is not at fault, giving a convenient way for artists to post anything they do and form a following.

The Upperclassman

The upperclassmen we saw were all very interesting and gave a different perspective on the differing Visual Study major options

The photography major was in my opinion a by-the-book photographer, from her varied collections of photos, to her single pieces, to the collage projects she showed a great deal of skill, when it came to composition. Although she ventured into almost every aspect of it, she still didn’t go too far outside of stuff photography related.

The Graphic Design major I related to the most, with various distinct pieces made with differing software, to her own custom font, I was honestly very impressed, and inspired. Maybe it also had to do with the fact she was also half-hispanic, but I digress.

The Interactive Games Studies major, well… let’s just say that she looked like she was trying very hard. Honestly though for her to commit to a field in which the only chance of getting an actual job is to start working in the field, and show talent in it, so her demeener could be that of one who suceeds, but a few drawing classes along the way wouldn’t hurt.

Classwork Projects in progress

For the past 5 weeks in my visual studies class I have been taking pictures on south congress for two different projects, one being a presentation of gestalt principles, and a set of collages, using the same images. These two images were among the ones that stood out in my trips, and are planned on being used for the collages due to their unique color as well as the face visible in the first.

But that’s just school work, and isn’t what I’m proud of right now. What I care about are the projects I’m working on in my drawing 1 class which I don’t have pictures of at the moment, and the work that I’m doing on the side just because I want to, such as this.

The Grump Anomaly

One of my biggest inspirations to make art and go forward throughout my time have been the crew on the Game Grumps over the years. Almost like a diverse cast of characters, each member has their own special talents while also being good with the comedy that falls within their MO. The crew man who inspires me the most is the shows editor who has been there from the beginning, Barry Kramer. His work with the Game Grumps that caught my the most was his How About series, of which there are two. Both of these episodes include high in-depth analysis on what would improve a bad game, or what makes a game good. The time that must have gone in to these must be very high considering the quality, and with the time that Barry already was spending at the time editing Game Grumps, with little help at the time, it shows his high zeal to work incredibly hard. In the interview series, Before the Grumps, Barry tells how he became a member but also the dire state he was in directly before becoming the editor for Game Grumps. During that time he had moved to LA and Jon Jafari, an original member of the Game Grumps, was letting him stay in his apartment while he looked for work, before offering to edit Game Grumps. He called his success a “series of taking advantage of opportunities”. Barry’s take and the general creative atmosphere that the Grumps inspire helped me start creating, and put me in the right mindset for what I wanted from College. If you really want to see how many they have inspired, a simple search for game grumps animated will pull up hundreds upon hundreds of animations made by dozens of people over time, and while it’s become less lucrative to do them in recent years there is still a large group of animators who do it semi-regularly.

How About https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xncs1mrMV6o&t=210s / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=chYgDqWW6ho

Interview link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ij_YhYMLac&t=2772s


Work Before College

I began making pieces I enjoy well before college, while not all have turned out great, these are a few that I feel stand out.

Made this while in highschool for the D&D group I was a part of, making a rough of each persons character

Made this during my free time in my programming class, to try to teach myself to use Photoshop. I was really big on the game Nuclear Throne at the time.I didn’t make any more attempts anytime soon

Inspired to make something to show my enjoyment of the band TWRP after listening to their songs for some time, roughed and inked it on paper, before cleaning up what I could on the computer.