The Grump Anomaly

One of my biggest inspirations to make art and go forward throughout my time have been the crew on the Game Grumps over the years. Almost like a diverse cast of characters, each member has their own special talents while also being good with the comedy that falls within their MO. The crew man who inspires me the most is the shows editor who has been there from the beginning, Barry Kramer. His work with the Game Grumps that caught my the most was his How About series, of which there are two. Both of these episodes include high in-depth analysis on what would improve a bad game, or what makes a game good. The time that must have gone in to these must be very high considering the quality, and with the time that Barry already was spending at the time editing Game Grumps, with little help at the time, it shows his high zeal to work incredibly hard. In the interview series, Before the Grumps, Barry tells how he became a member but also the dire state he was in directly before becoming the editor for Game Grumps. During that time he had moved to LA and Jon Jafari, an original member of the Game Grumps, was letting him stay in his apartment while he looked for work, before offering to edit Game Grumps. He called his success a “series of taking advantage of opportunities”. Barry’s take and the general creative atmosphere that the Grumps inspire helped me start creating, and put me in the right mindset for what I wanted from College. If you really want to see how many they have inspired, a simple search for game grumps animated will pull up hundreds upon hundreds of animations made by dozens of people over time, and while it’s become less lucrative to do them in recent years there is still a large group of animators who do it semi-regularly.

How About /

Interview link


Work Before College

I began making pieces I enjoy well before college, while not all have turned out great, these are a few that I feel stand out.

Made this while in highschool for the D&D group I was a part of, making a rough of each persons character

Made this during my free time in my programming class, to try to teach myself to use Photoshop. I was really big on the game Nuclear Throne at the time.I didn’t make any more attempts anytime soon

Inspired to make something to show my enjoyment of the band TWRP after listening to their songs for some time, roughed and inked it on paper, before cleaning up what I could on the computer.

My Daily Schedule

I’ve made a basic record of what I do with my time the past week. It’s pretty riveting.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
8:00 Wake up Wake up Wake up Wake up
9:00 Class Hang out w/ friends Prep for class Prep for class
10:00 Wake up Class Prepare for class Prep for Class
11:00 Class Class Class Class
12:00p Class Class ends Class Class Ends
1:00 Class get food alone Class Get food alone
2:00 Class Study/ do work Class Study
3:00 Class Study Class Study
4:00 Class ends Study Class ends Game
5:00 Get food Together Get food w/ friends Get food alone Game
6:00 Hang out w/ friends Hang out w/ friends Study/do work Go to play D&D
7:00 Study/ do work Hang out Study D&D
8:00 Study Game Game D&D
9:00 Study Game Game Game
10:00 Game Game Get food w/ friends Game
11:00 Game I Sleep Game Game
12:00a I Sleep I Sleep I Sleep


I’ve recently taken a test in how much grit I have comparative to people like me and have found that with a grit score of 3.88 I have an above average amount of grit. This makes sense in that I finish anything that I have put time into even if was something that has been on my to do list for months, I am determined not to let myself become lax in my discipline. To further this grit I could go above and beyond by increasing the rate at which I work on projects. if interested in taking this quiz here’s a link

Articles on Artists

Article #1: What Entrepreneurs Can Learn from ArtistsArticle #2: Are Artists Entrepreneurs? discuss the new roles of artists in businesses, and important characteristics that artist share that help drive them to make art. Artists can learn from entrepreneurs how to market themselves and their work to differentiate themselves from other artists, and how to establish connections to other artists so that they could make works bigger than any individual.  Artists in a way are entrepreneurs in that they go out and try to sell to others their unique style in the arts, and convince the consumer that they are worth their time. Of the characteristics that the first article attribute to artist, while not all artists have all 12, individually 1,2,3,5,7,10, and 11 are the key characteristics to have with 11 being the most important. I believe that another characteristic that is a desire to grow, otherwise one might would end up making the content and become content.