11/3 (because titles for unrelated subjects are hard)

The last seminar had more speakers but this time they were all graphic design proffessors

The first speaker talked about a special type of printer he had constructed with more color, showed some posters he had made, talked about the idea of public, an event called Zinefest, and brought up the works of graphic designers Molly Sherman and Kelcey Towell

Bill Kennedy the second speaker instead of talking about stuff gave us a slideshow of his pieces, which featured ones that made me comment in my notes things like “water mark” “green” and “minion shitpost”

Tuan Phan was the third speaker. He showed stuff that he made around the time of the election with trump making that one face he makes, designs for a bag, a pieces he made in Japan, Vietnam, and Thailand, and a piece on white collar crime.

Kim Garza the final speaker, focused more on talking about working on what you believe in, what you are passionate about, and what is important to you. She also showed pieces on Christianity, sudden infant death syndrome, child obesity, A musical re-dubbing with the same video, re-shooting with the same audio, and a full remake.


As far as my plan goes for the next five years, I plan on working on College, and also starting to make art regularly to cultivate a small following online, with that I hope to get a job somewhere while still in college, and to use that to further my image, and get bigger and better projects to work on. If my plan seems unclear it’s because I don’t really know how I plan on going about it either.

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