Website layouts

With the semester rolling along, it would probably be a good idea to start thinking of setting up a new website, several websites have excellent designs to accomplish their own goals

  1. Imgur

Imgur arose out of the need for a proper place to share images and gifs on the internet for the internet colossus that is reddit. The grid view gives easy access to images that might catch ones eye as interesting, or you may just go through the images one at a time going through various collections. The layout of their mobile version is also very convenient.

2. Hiveworks

The Hiveworks pages are a convenient way to find and follow several webcomics with ease, but the page they use is not all they have to boast as each of the comics that they sponsor has a custom made page to meet the authors needs and desires, with desktop and mobile friendly versions that make them easy to navigate and keep up with.

3. Serebii

Serebii is the location for all Pokemon and pokemon related news and information. with easy to use tabs to find info on any past game or their homepage with daily updates on current events. While it’s not the best looking site on this list, its layout is effective, and at least better looking then Bulbapedia.


This site is a convenient, free, legal way to watch anime, (and dramas, but no one watches those) with a homepage that highlights currently airing series, as well as the most popular series. The queue section also gives you an easy way to orgainize shows you plan on watching. Has a convenient app too.

5. tumblr

While I personally think this websites community holds the scum of the earth, the site itself is not at fault, giving a convenient way for artists to post anything they do and form a following.

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