Degree plan

My major is Graphic Design, and I plan on pursuing it all four years at st. eds. With that in mind I also am hoping to do one of those semesters abroad. If plans go awry and I can’t complete a degree in Graphic Design I plan on shifting majors only slightly. For the actual four year plan I am meeting with my counselor on Thursday and putting something more concrete in place, instead of just saying “I do my majors degree plan” so that I can fit in room for my second interest

While I already dropped the Idea of a double major, getting rid of Communication, for sake of not finding it to be what I thought, I am extremely interested in the IGST classes. while there is no formal minor plan yet, I still would like to take many of its classes for the sake of learning more.

Skills Inventory

  1. My greatest strengths in Visual Studies include:
    1. My ability to interpret instructions and apply a unique spin on them
  2. For greater success in this course, I need to:
    1. start on projects sooner

Computer skills:

  1. My computer skills include:
    1. training in all microsoft software as well as adobe premiere and a strong grasp of how to figure things out
  2. I still need to learn:
    1. most other adobe software and maya

Research & writing skills:

  1. My greatest strengths as a researcher/writer include:
    1. my ability to find information on subjects easily and put their research into my own words
  2. I need to work on these aspects of research and writing:
    1. being able to form arguments on subjects that I have no opinion on
  3. I learn best & accomplish most when:
    1. I stop getting caught up in the details

There you go with the cookie cutter answers to basic questions.

My rights in Latin America class I could be doing better in if I

  1. start writing papers sooner
  2. start researching subjects sooner
  3. read the books in advance
  4. prepare speeches to present my projects with
  5. listened and took notes in class better
  6. attended more of the out of class events
  7. talked with other group members more before presentations
  8. scheduled my time for working on the class
  9. got out of bed, and had breakfast earlier
  10. cared about the class

Website layouts

With the semester rolling along, it would probably be a good idea to start thinking of setting up a new website, several websites have excellent designs to accomplish their own goals

  1. Imgur

Imgur arose out of the need for a proper place to share images and gifs on the internet for the internet colossus that is reddit. The grid view gives easy access to images that might catch ones eye as interesting, or you may just go through the images one at a time going through various collections. The layout of their mobile version is also very convenient.

2. Hiveworks

The Hiveworks pages are a convenient way to find and follow several webcomics with ease, but the page they use is not all they have to boast as each of the comics that they sponsor has a custom made page to meet the authors needs and desires, with desktop and mobile friendly versions that make them easy to navigate and keep up with.

3. Serebii

Serebii is the location for all Pokemon and pokemon related news and information. with easy to use tabs to find info on any past game or their homepage with daily updates on current events. While it’s not the best looking site on this list, its layout is effective, and at least better looking then Bulbapedia.


This site is a convenient, free, legal way to watch anime, (and dramas, but no one watches those) with a homepage that highlights currently airing series, as well as the most popular series. The queue section also gives you an easy way to orgainize shows you plan on watching. Has a convenient app too.

5. tumblr

While I personally think this websites community holds the scum of the earth, the site itself is not at fault, giving a convenient way for artists to post anything they do and form a following.

The Upperclassman

The upperclassmen we saw were all very interesting and gave a different perspective on the differing Visual Study major options

The photography major was in my opinion a by-the-book photographer, from her varied collections of photos, to her single pieces, to the collage projects she showed a great deal of skill, when it came to composition. Although she ventured into almost every aspect of it, she still didn’t go too far outside of stuff photography related.

The Graphic Design major I related to the most, with various distinct pieces made with differing software, to her own custom font, I was honestly very impressed, and inspired. Maybe it also had to do with the fact she was also half-hispanic, but I digress.

The Interactive Games Studies major, well… let’s just say that she looked like she was trying very hard. Honestly though for her to commit to a field in which the only chance of getting an actual job is to start working in the field, and show talent in it, so her demeener could be that of one who suceeds, but a few drawing classes along the way wouldn’t hurt.

Classwork Projects in progress

For the past 5 weeks in my visual studies class I have been taking pictures on south congress for two different projects, one being a presentation of gestalt principles, and a set of collages, using the same images. These two images were among the ones that stood out in my trips, and are planned on being used for the collages due to their unique color as well as the face visible in the first.

But that’s just school work, and isn’t what I’m proud of right now. What I care about are the projects I’m working on in my drawing 1 class which I don’t have pictures of at the moment, and the work that I’m doing on the side just because I want to, such as this.