New Identity Management System for Faculty & Staff

In conjunction with other software system changes, the University has implemented a new identity management system effective for faculty & staff May 15. With this new system, you can utilize longer, strong passwords and reset your own password without contacting the Help Desk. In order to take advantage of the new system, visit and follow the links and instructions for current staff and faculty to claim your account.

Watch a video walkthrough of the process.

If you have questions, please contact OIT at 512-448-8443or online at

Faculty and Advisors using myHilltop and Self-Service Banner

Now is the time to start using myHilltop and Self-Service Banner (SSB) for Summer and Fall 2014 registration and courses. All contracted and adjunct faculty are automatically granted limited access to basic information in SSB including Class Rosters, the Course Catalog, Alpha Course Listing, Directory Information, Faculty Schedules, and Grade Entry. Advisors may also see a list of their advisees.

How do I get Help and get Trained?

There are online training resources available through the Registrar’s office site that will help Faculty and Advisors on learning how to use myHilltop and SSB.

Visit: to view PDFs and short video tutorials.

Faculty and advisors will learn:

What’s New?

There are a few new changes that faculty and advisors must know about in order to work with SSB and help students and view course content.

  1. ID numbers in Banner must be a total of 9 digits. For Example, a Current ID Number is 841289.   For Banner to accept this as a valid login you will need to add three zeroes before the number to equal  000841289. If the Current ID Number is only 5 numbers, such as: 82978.  You would need to add four zeroes before the number to equal 000082978.
  2. Course Reference Numbers (CRNs) are numbers assigned to courses in Banner when a course section is created. CRNs are a five-digit code unique to every section and will change each registration term. Faculty will be assigned a new CRN for each course they teach each semester.
  3. Final grades may be entered and saved and changed, if needed, before the final date to submit grades.
  4. Faculty may also now enter office hours and basic syllabus information for students to view when registering for courses.

For questions about specific registrar’s content, please contact the Office of the Registrar: For training questions, please contact or visit:

Visit the Innovation Creation Lounge (LIBR 248)

Do your students need help using Photoshop, InDesign, HTML or Excel to complete course projects?  Students can get help at the Innovation Creation Lounge with these applications and many more. A dedicated trainer will be available to answer questions and offer assistance in Library room 248 on Mondays from 10am-Noon and Fridays from 1pm-3pm.

Please let your students know about this opportunity to receive help outside of class. Students can bring their own device (BYOD) or use the dedicated iMac available with all the Adobe and Microsoft software installed. Students don’t need an appointment and can just drop by any time during those hours for help. For questions about the Innovation Creation Lounge or any training support questions, please

Removal of the Computer Competencies

As of December 2013, the Academic Council has voted to eliminate the Computer Competencies Requirement effective immediately. The Computer Competencies have been a requirement for traditional undergraduate and new college students at St. Edward’s University since 1999. The purpose of these was to help students be capable of demonstrating knowledge about basic computer skills they needed for any course environment learning the following modules:

  • Introduction to Computers (covering basic computer concepts on either the Windows or Macintosh operating system)
  • WWW and Internet Communications
  • Introduction to Word Processing
  • Introduction to Spreadsheets
  • Introduction to Multimedia Presentations

The Academic Council voted to remove this requirement because most St. Edward’s University students enter college with basic knowledge in these areas.  This change means Undergraduate students NO LONGER need to complete this requirement to register for the CULF 2321 or HONS 2321, and for Transfer students prior to registering for CULF 3330 or HONS 3375. Also, New College students NO LONGER need to complete this requirement prior to finishing their core required courses. If you have any questions, please contact Joana Trimble Gandara, 512-464-8816.

Alternatives to get Support

We recognize that digital skills are still important for students, but that they must be learned in the context of the work they are doing for courses.  Therefore, instructional technology is moving towards providing a variety of support options for a twenty-first century learning environment for students, including scheduled classes and on-demand services.  We offer  support to students in the following ways:

We encourage you and your students to utilize our services. Contact for questions.

Build your Classroom Technology Toolbox

On September 24, Instructional Technology held a tech snack focused on free tools for classroom use.

What types of technology do you use in your classroom?

Do you need your students to complete their assignments with certain types of software? You can create your own technology toolbox  from cloud-based tools that are free to use and can benefit students both during the course and after. If you need training for yourself or your students on any of the software that is listed, please contact with your request.

Classroom Management, Collaboration, and Productivity:

Social Bookmarking and Personal Research:

Web Based Presentation Tools

Free E-Books and Other Open Educational Resources

Website Development