To read more about the topics in Innovators’ Toolkit 2, Risk Taking and Managing Student Expectations, see the materials below:
Strategies for Managing Teaching Risks: Courage to Take Risks
Teaching Risks
- Breslow, Lisa. “Wrestling with Pedagogial Change: The TEAL Initiative at MIT.” Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning, Vol. 42, Iss. 5, 2010
- Ebbeler, Jennifer. “‘Introduction to Ancient Rome,’ the Flipped Version.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, July 22, 2013.
McClurken, J. (2011). Teaching and Learning with Omeka: Discomfort, Play, and Creating Public, Online, Digital Collections. In T. Scholz (Ed.), Learning Through Digital Media Experiments in Technology and Pedagogy. The Institute for Distributed Creativity. Retrieved from
AAC&U. Advancing Underserved Student Success Through Faculty Intentionality in Problem-Centered Learning.
- Burger, Edward. “Teaching to Fail.” Inside Higher Ed, August 21, 2012.
- Transparency