Announcing Innovation Fellows for 2022 – 2023

Congratulations to the nineteen new Innovation Fellows for the 2022 – 2023 academic year. Particular areas of focus for this iteration of Innovation Fellows are Experiential and/or Austin-based pedagogy; Inclusive and Antiracist Teaching; and Online Course Design or Revision. The fellows are:

  • Carsten Andresen, Criminal Justice, Behavioral and Social Sciences, CRIJ 4341: Comparative Legal Systems
  • Emily Bernate, Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Arts and Humanities, SPAN 4305: Introduction to Translation
  • Mary Brantl, Visual Studies, Arts and Humanities, ARTS 2322: Modernists & Others
  • Timothy Braun, Literature, Writing, and Rhetoric, Arts and Humanities, FSEM 1401.02: The Play is the Thing.
  • Robert Denton Bryant, Visual Studies, Arts and Humanities, VGAM 3332: Methods of Digital Production
  • Kelley Coblentz Bautch, Religious and Theological Studies, Arts and Humanities, RELS 4351: Mentored Research in Religious and Theological Studies
  • Laurie Cook Heffron, Sociology and Social Work, Behavioral and Social Sciences, SOCW 4344: Macro Systems: Social Work Practice with Organizations & Communities
  • Megan DeWhatley, Biological Sciences, Natural Sciences, BIOL 1107: General Biology I Lab
  • Kim Garza, Visual Studies, Arts and Humanities, VGAM 3332: Methods of Digital Production
  • Michelle Green, Biological Sciences, Natural Sciences, BIOL 1108: Gen Bio II Lab
  • Jamie Hinojosa, Literature, Writing, and Rhetoric, Arts and Humanities, WRIT 3332: Workplace Writing
  • Andrea  Holgado, Biological Sciences, Natural Sciences, BIOL 1307: General Biology I
  • Drew Loewe, Literature, Writing, and Rhetoric, Arts and Humanities, WRIT 2325: Analyzing Rhetoric
  • Shelbee NguyenVoges, Teaching, Innovation, and Leadership, Behavioral and Social Sciences, MSOL 6315 : Leadership & Social Justice
  • Yongshin Park, Marketing, Operations, and Analytics, Munday School of Business, BUSI 2305: Business Statistics
  • Georgia Seminet, Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Arts and Humanities, Span 3399 (may change to Span 3355 – going to Academic Counsel): Spanish for the Health and Helping Professions
  • David Thomason, Political Science, Global Studies, Environmental Science and Policy, Behavioral and Social Sciences, POLS 3354 and POLS 4398: NONONPROFIT ADVOCACY AND INTEREST GROUPS and Topics in Political Entrepreneurship
  • Sasha West, Literature, Writing, and Rhetoric, Arts and Humanities, WRIT 2304: Environmental Writing
  • Jane Xie, Accounting, Economics, and Finance, Munday School of Business, FINC 4341: Investment Principles & Analysis

To find out more about their fellowship project, please visit 2022 Fellows.

Applications Due 2/17/20 for 2020-2021 Innovation Fellowships

The Office of Academic Affairs, the Center for Teaching Excellence, the Munday Library, the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment, and the Office of Instructional Technology of St. Edward’s University invite proposals for the 2020-2021 Innovation Fellowship to advance the vision of Strategic Plan 2022:

“At St. Edward’s University, every student will explore transformational pathways to knowledge, experience, understanding and achievement.”

These fellowships will support full-time faculty who need time, resources, and support to design or revise classes to be taught in Fall 2020, Spring 2021, or Summer 2021.  Fellows will receive a $1200 stipend, participate in the Summer 2020 Innovation Institute, which will be held May 18-29, 2020, and join a community of faculty fellows focused on pedagogical innovation. We especially seek proposals for integrating open educational resources, (re)designing general education courses for online delivery, refreshing and redesigning existing courses, and incorporating integrative learning opportunities for students.

Applications are due February 17, 2020.

Find all the details and submit your application here: CFP and Guidelines 2020-2021

Join the Innovation Institute for a Workshop!

There are five workshops during the Innovation Institute that are open to the community:

  • Workshop 1: Active Learning in Online Classrooms
  • Workshop 2: High Impact Practices & Experiential Learning
  • Workshop 3: Going Big: Taking Pedagogical Risks
  • Workshop 4: Making Connections: Linking Skills, Knowledge, and Student Experiences
  • Workshop 5: Expand Your Toolkit: More Tools for Teaching and Learning Online

Please join us–see the schedule and sign up here: Workshops 2019

Workshops are 1.5 hours. “Active Learning in the Online Classroom” will take place online via Zoom Video conferencing. “Expanding Your Online Toolkit” will take place online and is completely asynchronous.

Congratulations to the 2019 – 2020 Innovation Fellows

Innovation fellows design or redesign courses in support of strategic initiatives at the university. Course design projects this year include (re)designing general education courses for online delivery, integrating high-impact practices, promoting integrative learning, and other research-based curricular innovations.  For a full list of fellows along with abstracts of their projects please visit the 2019 – 2020 Fellows page.  The eleven fellows for 2019 – 2020 include:

  • Sheila Alicea, Associate Professor, Kinesiology, KINE 1311: Introduction to Kinesiology & Sports Sciences
  • Richard Bautch, Professor, Religious and Theological Studies, RELS 2321: Introduction to Hebrew Bible
  • Peter Beck, Professor, Environmental Science and Policy, FSEM 1404.03: Freshman Seminar: Sustainable Austin & ENSP 1304: Introduction to Sustainability
  • Emily Bernate, Assistant Professor, Languages, Literatures and Cultures, CLLC 3399: Linguistic Diversity and Multilingual Practices in the United States
  • Mary Brantl, Associate Professor, Visual Studies, ARTS 3349: Topic in Art History: Art + $$$$!!!!: An Exploration of Art, Value and Market
  • Tim Braun, Visiting Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Literature, Writing, & Rhetoric, WRIT 3310 Special Topics: Dramatic and Visual Writing
  • Kelley Coblentz Bautch, Professor, Religious and Theological Studies, RELS 2322: Introduction to the New Testament Online
  • Jena Heath, Associate Professor, Literature, Writing, & Rhetoric, JOUR 3322: Producing News Online
  • Lisa Holleran, Assistant Professor, Criminal Justice, CRIJ 3330: Research Methods in Criminal Justice
  • Georgia Seminet, Associate Professor, Languages, Literatures and Cultures, CLLC 3399: Migrations and Borders
  • Kris Sloan, Associate Professor, Teacher Education, EDUC 2331: Learning Processes and Evaluation

Proposals due 4/9/19 for 2019-2020 Innovation Fellowships

The Office of Academic Affairs, the Center for Teaching Excellence, the Munday Library, and the Office of Instructional Technology of St. Edward’s University invite proposals for the 2019-2020 Innovation Fellowship to design or revise courses. Fellows will receive a $1200 stipend, participate in the Summer 2019 Innovation Institute, which will be held May 20-29, 2019, and join a community of faculty fellows focused on pedagogical innovation.  We especially seek proposals for (re)designing general education courses for online delivery. Other areas of focus include high-impact practices, integrative learning, and other research-based curricular innovations.

Proposals are due 4/9/19.

Find all the details and submit your proposal here:

Revised CFP for 2017-2018 Innovation Fellows to be Published in late August

Check back here for a new call for proposals for 2017 – 2018 Innovation Fellows to develop new or substantially revised courses in support of the new general education curriculum (scheduled to launch for incoming freshmen in Fall 2018).  The new CFP will be shared in late August 2017.  For more information about the new general education curriculum, please see the General Education Revision Blog:

Proposal Planning Workshop, Tuesday, February 21, 4-5 pm, Premont 116

Need help preparing a proposal for the Innovation Fellowship or the Technology for Innovative Learning & Teaching Pilot Project Grants? Not sure if your idea fits the CFPs? This hour-long workshop will review successful proposal strategies, as well as pitfalls in proposal preparation. Participants should come with ideas and will leave with a proposal outline and/or rough draft.

Innovation Fellowship

Technology for Innovative Learning & Teaching Pilot Project Grants

CFP: Innovation Fellowship Proposals due March 10, 2017

Innovation Fellowship Proposals Due March 10Innovation fellowships support faculty who need time, resources, and expertise to include pedagogical experimentation in their courses by providing a $1200 stipend, participation in the Summer 2017 Innovation Institute, May 15-26, 2017, and a community of faculty fellows focused on pedagogical innovation. We encourage applications that focus on a wide variety of pedagogical innovations and experimentation with an emphasis on design or redesign of courses as part of the new general education curriculum or to support our Quality Enhancement Plan, “Vocation: Discovering One’s Purpose in a Changing World”.

Proposals are due Friday, March 10, 2017.  For more information about the fellowship, the institute, and detailed instructions for applying, please consult the CFP and Guidelines for 2017-2018 fellowships.


Insights from the Innovation Fellows Reunion 2016

Thanks to all of the innovation fellows who joined us for the reunion yesterday. Each table had a lively discussion about what they found valuable about the fellowship (especially from the perspective of time) and what they want to try next. We asked each table to share just two insights from that discussion. Here is what we heard:

Benefits of the Innovation Fellowship included:

  • Dedicated space and time to think about teaching
  • Discussion with colleagues devoted specifically to teaching, and even more so with structure and guidance.
  • Collective knowledge of SEU faculty
  • Better understanding of risk in the classroom and strategies for helping students feel more secure by managing their expectations
  • Value of discussing your pedagogical project repeatedly with colleagues and support staff who can help you realize your idea

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