Blog Assignment 8: End-of-Course Reflection

Length: Aim for 500-750 words
Due:  The Friday after grades are due — Dec 18 for fall pilots; May 13 for spring pilots


Please address and reflect on the following questions:


  1. Difficulties: What were your challenges? Did you have any failures or unanticipated problems, and if so, what did you learn from them?
  2. Successes: What were your successes? Did you experience any unanticipated but positive developments, and if so, what did you learn from them?
  3. Unexpected Outcomes: Were there any other outcomes or impact on student learning that were unexpected or not covered under your discussion of assessment?
  4. Your learning and growth: What have you learned from your innovation fellowship? Your answer might encompass learning from the innovation institute, your pedagogical experiment, and / or other interactions with innovation fellows or support staff.
  5. SoTL questions: Has this project raised new questions for you about student learning in your course? As a result of this project, do you intend to pursue a scholarship of teaching and learning project related to your innovation project?
  6. Impact on others: Does your innovation have potential to be adopted by others on campus? If so, who and how?

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