All posts by Faculty Resource Center

Feb 5 | What Is It That Students Ought to Learn in College?

Assigned Reading

 . . . for further reading (available upon request)

  • Bok, Derek.  “Ch. 8: What to Learn.”  In Higher Education in America. Princeton: Princeton UP, 2013.
  • Cazden, Courtney; Cope, Bill; Fairclough, Norman; Gee, Jim; et al. “A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Designing Social Futures.”  Harvard Educational Review 66 (1996): 60-92).
  • Davis, Rebecca Frost.  “Learning Outcomes for a Globally Networked World.”  Rebecca Frost Davis’s blog: Liberal Education in a Networked World. 7 Feb 2013.


Think / Pair / Share Activity

  • Mark:  Place an “X” next to items that are taught in our gen ed requirements.  Place an “O” next to items that are taught in your major.  (You will see an “XO next to items that are taught in both places).
  • Discuss:  In what areas are St. Ed’s grads getting best prepared, and where may they be lacking?
  • Consider: Is anything missing? Is anything listed unnecessarily? Should anything be reframed?