TLTR Agenda for Tuesday, March 23 at 2 pm

February meeting was cancelled due to snow.

March Agenda

  1. Multifactor Authentication (Angela Svoboda)
  2. Communication of Critical Technology Outages (Communications and Support Subcommittee)
  3.  OIT Fall 2021 Planning (Discussion to gather needs)
    • Classroom technology to support Zoom in the classroom (hybrid model 1)
    • Informal learning space needs for students
    • Outdoor learning spaces
    • Ad hoc large classroom space needs
    • Professional development for faculty
    • Student Readiness Survey for Online and Hybrid

TLTR Agenda for Tuesday, January 26 at 2 pm

  1. Greetings
  2. Announcements
    1. Multi-Factor Authentication required to access Banner Admin & BDM as of 4/24/21 (Workplace Announcement)
    2. Process for Backing up Zoom Cloud Recordings to Panopto
  3. Subcommittee Updates on any activities since November meeting (Optional)
    1. Burnout
    2. Digital Equity
    3. Online Learning
    4. Support & Communication
  4. Pilots in Process
    1. Graphics Tablets
    2. Faculty Teaching Circle Pilot with Edthena (Fletcher)
  5. Discussions
    1. Models for Stage 3 Instruction (Summer 2021 for Grad, Fall 2021 for Undergrad)
    2. Input on CTE & Instructional Technology Faculty Development Programming for Spring
    3. Question from Faculty Senate: What to do with the former HDE seat on TLTR?

TLTR Agenda for Wednesday, November 18 at 1 pm

  1. Greetings
  2. Announcements
    1. TLTR Pilot Applications due 11/20/20
    2. December meeting for TLTR Asynchronous
  3. Casey Gibbs named Interim Library Director & Library Updates
  4. Zoom to Panopto Integration and Proposals for Managing Storage of Zoom Cloud Recordings
  5. Results from Priority Gathering and Feedback on Needs for Spring Semester
  6. Proposed Subcommittees
    1. Communication and Support
    2. Anti-burnout
    3. Digital Equity
  7. Summary and Instructions for December Meeting

TLTR Agenda for Wednesday, October 21 at 1 pm

  1. Intros and Hellos
  2. Announcements 
    1. Fall 2020 TLTR Pilot CFP: Teaching Online & Socially Distanced
  3. Summarize Themes from Fall 2020 TLTR Information Gathering for Priorities Google Doc (only accessible by TLTR members; complete by Monday, October 19
  4. Breakouts to discuss Faculty Support for Teaching during the Pandemic: Prioritizing Actions
    1. what can we do now (in a week)
    2. what can we in a month
    3. what can we do next semester
  5. Report back
  6. Library update (Dave Waldron)

TLTR Agenda for Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Our meeting will take place via Zoom video conferencing.  The link is in the calendar invitation.  We will be hearing from faculty who have conducted TLTR pilots:

  1. Bilal Shebaro – Wireless Projection
  2. Matthew Steffenson – Short Throw Projectors & Wireless Projection (follow-up project)
  3. Tony Alvarado – Mobile Whiteboards
  4. Lisa Goering for Dan Gold – Video Microscopes in the Biology Lab
  5. Wesley Pollitte – Mobile Digital Devices for Community Data Gathering
  6. Casie Parish Fisher – Crime Scene Investigations Virtual Reality Project

Meeting Topic for Wednesday, March 11, 2020 1-2 pm, Premont 110

TLTR Meeting, Wednesday, March 11, 2020 1-2 pm, Premont 110

Reducing Barriers

Reducing barriers for faculty was a past theme from our Fall 2019 virtual meeting around school needs assessments. Under that theme were requests like:
  1. Improve information architecture (online filing protocols) for everyone and provide training
  2. Standardize course shells in canvas
  3. Develop a campus communication (email, canvas announcement, etc.) charter for students, faculty, staff, administrators. 
    1. Find out more about email charters from this article: Maljković, N. (2019, May 30). The Email Charter: An idea worth spreading. Medium.
    2. Find out more about Communication Charters in this article: Burns, M. (2019, April 25). Put it into words: Developing a corporate communications charter. TechGenix.
  4. Develop wellness initiatives that foster an unplugged, mindful ethos
  5. Pruning our current digital “ecosystem”–where are there redundancies?
At this month’s TLTR meeting, we’d like to dive into some work groups to flesh out these ideas and develop a strategic plan toward reducing faculty barriers in the coming academic year. We are reaching out to the Provost’s office, a staff representative, and the Health and Wellness team, so this can be a meeting that engages multiple stakeholders. Your contributions will be strengthened with current insights from faculty in your schools. Please consider gathering their input via email or at an upcoming scheduled meeting prior to our 3/11/2020 session.  Ultimately, this effort is as much about culture and mindset as technology but we hope to generate recommendations that can help us improve both.

TLTR Pilot Grant Brainstorming Session, Wed., 2/26, 3:30 pm

Outline of a head and many colored lines; image indicating innovation.Do you like to try new technologies or new teaching ideas?  Would you like some funding? Do you have an idea but aren’t quite sure how to put it together?  Come to the TLTR pilot grant brainstorming session on Wednesday, February 26, 3:30-4:30 pm in Holy Cross 101, and TLTR members will help you workshop your idea.  The TLTR will be awarding Technology for Innovative Learning & Teaching Pilot Project Grants worth up to $5,000 each to fund innovative teaching projects that incorporate new technologies and can be used as a model for other faculty.  By the end of the brainstorming session, participants will submit or be ready to submit their Statement of Interest (due March 6).  Snacks will be provided.

For more information about the grants see the guidelines.  Final applications are due April 6, 2020.  Total application length is around 1200 words, not counting name, contact, course information, and purchase list.