TLTR Meeting Agenda, Wednesday, January 19, 2022

  1. Announcements and Welcomes
  2. 2021 reflections and a call to action 
    1. Stories from the trenches – How has the pandemic and resulting digital work environment impacted my professional and personal identity and work in the last two years? 
    2. Digital Skill Inventories across campus – should TLTR help establish and develop? 
  3. Breakout Rooms
  4. Mural 
  5. Next Steps

TLTR Agenda for Wednesday, October 20 at 1 pm

The TLTR will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at 1 pm in our regular Zoom meeting location.  See your calendar invite for the link or contact Rebecca Davis.


  • Announcements
    • Spring 2021 Courses loaded & default navigation
    • Zoom cloud storage purge of Spring 2021 recordings completed; recordings available in Panopto
  • Review of Themes from Feedback Document & Breakouts at last meeting
  • Intro to Digital/Data Skills/Literacy (Across the Curriculum/within a particular curriculum)
    • Overview
    • Breakout discussions
    • Debrief

TLTR Agenda for September 22, 2021 at 1 pm

The TLTR will hold its next meeting on Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 1 pm in our regular Zoom meeting location.  See your calendar invite for the link or contact Rebecca Davis.


TLTR Monthly Meetings Fall 2021 Wednesdays at 1 pm

Monthly meetings of the TLTR for Spring 2021 will take place on Wednesday, 1:00 – 1:50 pm in Zoom. Members should have the Zoom link in their calendar invite.  Contact Rebecca if you haven’t been invited yet.

  • September
    • Wednesday, September 22 at 1 pm
  • October
    • Wednesday, October 20 at 1 pm
  • November
    • Wednesday, November 17 at 1 pm
  • December
    • Wednesday, December 1 or 8 at 1 pm (we will poll members to determine final meeting date for the semester)

TLTR Agenda for Tuesday, March 23 at 2 pm

February meeting was cancelled due to snow.

March Agenda

  1. Multifactor Authentication (Angela Svoboda)
  2. Communication of Critical Technology Outages (Communications and Support Subcommittee)
  3.  OIT Fall 2021 Planning (Discussion to gather needs)
    • Classroom technology to support Zoom in the classroom (hybrid model 1)
    • Informal learning space needs for students
    • Outdoor learning spaces
    • Ad hoc large classroom space needs
    • Professional development for faculty
    • Student Readiness Survey for Online and Hybrid

TLTR Agenda for Tuesday, January 26 at 2 pm

  1. Greetings
  2. Announcements
    1. Multi-Factor Authentication required to access Banner Admin & BDM as of 4/24/21 (Workplace Announcement)
    2. Process for Backing up Zoom Cloud Recordings to Panopto
  3. Subcommittee Updates on any activities since November meeting (Optional)
    1. Burnout
    2. Digital Equity
    3. Online Learning
    4. Support & Communication
  4. Pilots in Process
    1. Graphics Tablets
    2. Faculty Teaching Circle Pilot with Edthena (Fletcher)
  5. Discussions
    1. Models for Stage 3 Instruction (Summer 2021 for Grad, Fall 2021 for Undergrad)
    2. Input on CTE & Instructional Technology Faculty Development Programming for Spring
    3. Question from Faculty Senate: What to do with the former HDE seat on TLTR?