Entries Tagged as 'positive'
[View the story “Dove says I’m \”more beautiful than I think\”, and I agree!” on Storify] Dove says I’m "more beautiful than I think", and I agree! I was waiting to watch a YouTube video yesterday, and the Dove "Real Beauty Sketches" advertisement began to play. Let me tell you- I did NOT skip that […]
Tags: advertisement·agree·artist·Beauty·blogging project·bonus·campaign·controversy·Dove·forensic·positive·post·Real·Sketches
[View the story “Positive Advertisement Campaigns Stop Bullying” on Storify] Positive Advertisement Campaigns Stop Bullying Often times advertisements are perceived in a negative light, but there are campaigns out there that spread positive and important messages. Storified by · Sun, Apr 21 2013 21:51:35 965thebuzz My search led me to the “Be More Than A […]
Tags: advertisement·AOL·bullying·campaign·Facebook·positive·social media·stand·up