The Advertising Amateur

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Positive Advertisement Campaign Stop Bullying

April 21, 2013 by tsarain · 483 Comments · Uncategorized

Positive Advertisement Campaigns Stop Bullying

Often times advertisements are perceived in a negative light, but there are campaigns out there that spread positive and important messages.

Storified by · Sun, Apr 21 2013 21:51:35


My search led me to the “Be More Than A Bystander” campaign.

The “Be More Than A Bystander” anti-bullying advertisement campaign by the AdCouncil is a perfect example of advertisement being a channel to spread and educate a positive message and call to action.

This public service campaign made it’s beginnings in October 2012 and is continuing today.

The campaign has reached out to society through a commercial, free print ads in magazines like “Parenting”, “The Food Network”  and even in some newspapers.

Be More than a Bystandermultivuonlinevideo
While “Be More Than a Bystander” reaches out to adults and parents through media they’re familiar with such as on television, in magazines, and in newspapers, it is also taking an extra step by being involved with the internet and social media.

The campaign reached out to AOL to also spread their message on their e-mail homepage.
King of Social Media, Facebook also contributed to the awareness and positivity by dedicating a Stop Bullying: Speak Up page to it’s network. is continuing the anti-bullying conversation online via social network and microblogging platform, Tumblr
This is an effective strategy because the younger demographic of kids and teens enjoy communicating through Tumblr. Through making a presence on the popular blogging site, the “Be More Than a Bystander” campaign actively engages the younger demographic to prevent and stop bullying in their communities.
Stop provides information from various government agencies on how kids, teens, young adults, parents, educators and others in…
Bullying is an important issue in our society today and is often overlooked and set aside. Traditional advertising via television commercial and print ads spread a positive message, but now ad campaigns can raise awareness and communicate knowledge and positivity by engaging with society through the internet and social media.

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