Hello readers,

In my last post I searched online and found some interesting tips for advertising events using twitter, but now that the event is underway our client will need the help of a social media management system in order to properly manage their events and social media platforms.




TweetDeck which was created by Twitter Inc. is social media management system created specifically and exclusively for Twitter. Like most twitter apps it allows the user to send and receive tweets, but TweetDeck also displays its content in a dashboard where the user can also manage and customize columns which can display a users timeline, costume timelines, notifications, mentions, direct messages, activity, lists, trends, favorites, search results, trending hashtags, custom hashtag searches, or all tweets by or to a single user. TweetDeck also allows users to manage multiple twitter accounts and has a feature which allows the user to make scheduled posts on those account. Overall TweetDeck is a great tool for any client looking to take their event management and social media management to the next level on their Twitter platform. However, TweetDeck does have a con that could sway some users away. TweetDeck does not support any other social media platforms. Although they did attempt to integrate Facebook updates into the dashboard in 2009, in May 2013 they removed this and does not seem to be returning any time soon. Clients who wish to manage more than one social media platform will then have to look else where. Perhaps they will look to HootSuite which is also a social media management system that, however, allows users to manage Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Myspace, WordPress, TrendSpottr, and Mixi accounts.