Sophomore Portfolio Review

Crystal Goblet_Final 3-01 Lit Vinyl-01 Info Map-01 The type specimen book has been my favorite project so far. I feel that I was truly allowed to marry the things I learned together in this book. I found that because there was no page limit on this book I was allowed to be less objective than usual. I often find that when I approach a project I try to be so objective that I kill the potential design and application of aesthetic. From this project I learned that having fun, and not forcing the objectives on a design can lead to a greater outcome. Every letterform and block of text in this type specimen book can fold onto itself perfectly when the book is closed(the covers being an exception). I enjoyed the generous space surrounding the type clusters in this book and the heavy contrast of the type.

The symbol methodology project spoke to me in a new way. I learned how to break down ideas and translate them into something physical. Abstract symbols were the hardest to do at first but Tuan talked my class through it. I was able to transform the final appearance of my work. When I came up with the final products of my designs I further refined them into a sleeker look.

My information map has so much going on, yet it seems that there is really nothing to the overall design. I wanted the graphs I used to be almost overwhelming. I chose to unite my data in a way that would accentuate it. I wanted to achieve a simple look while still maintaining integrity. My data is simple but not understated. I tried to elevate the data to a new level. I did not simply want my work to just lay on a page or screen.

Weather Report



Plotter Poster

Mapping Project: Cognitive Map

Mapping Project: Information Map

Mapping Project: Artifact Map

Symbol Methodology

Type Specimen Book

Typographic Poster

Type is space/Type is sound