ATLA Religion +
- Covers biblical studies, world religions, church history, and religious perspectives on social issues
- If you sign in with your St. Edward’s email address, you can save articles and look at your search history
- If you click on the “subject” tab, you can browse by subject
- If you hover over “publications” you can select a specific publication (either Atla Religion Database or Religion and Philosophy collection)
- Selecting “Scriptures” will allow you to browse specific scriptures, and see all articles related to that scripture.
- You can either basic search using keywords, or you can advanced search and use Boolean Operators, Publication Year, Publication Type, etc. to narrow down your search.
- For more information on how to search the database, click the question mark on the right hand side of the search bar
Jewish Studies Source
- Offers a multidisciplinary view into the study of Jewish civilization from its historical origins to the present.
- Includes Academic Journals, Monographs, Biographies, News Articles, and more.
- If you click on the “subject” tab, you can browse by subject
- If you hover over “publications” you can browse specific publications
- “Cited References” can help you to find a specific article via its citation (i.e., title, author, publication year, etc).
- You can either basic search using keywords, or you can advanced search and use Boolean Operators, Publication Year, Publication Type, etc. to narrow down your search.
- For more information on how to search the database, click the question mark on the right hand side of the search bar
Patrologiae Graecae
- Contains more than 160 volumes of Greek material with Latin translations relevant to the study of the history of the Christian Church.
- These resources are in a combination of Latin and Greek.
- When you get to the database, there is essentially a long list of chapter titles. You can select the chapter you want to look into, and then see all the subcategories in each chapter.
Religion and Philosophy OneFile
- Research the impact of religion on culture throughout history, including literature, arts, and language.
- If you sign in with your St. Edwards email address, you will be able to see search history, which could be helpful if you are doing research projects.
- Search tools include topic finder, Subject Guide Search, and publication search
- In the Topic Finder, you can input keywords and the database will generate a wheel of topics relating to those keywords.
- In the subject guide search you can search by subject as well as narrow your search to publication date, peer reviewed journals, and full text articles.
- In the publication search section you can search for specific publications as well as narrow your search by date, peer reviewed journals, type of publication, etc.
- You can also basic search by keyword or advanced search using boolean operators, publication title, publication date, etc.
- You can also narrow your search to full text articles, articles with images, and peer reviewed articles.
Biblical Archaeology Society
- Journals include Biblical Archaeology Review, Bible Review, and Archaeology Odyssey
- At the top of the homepage, you can select a category to browse. These categories include Magazines, Books, Videos, and special collections.
- You can basic search by keyword at the top of the database homepage
- At the bottom of the homepage for this database, you will find an advanced search bar.
- Advanced search categories include keywords, author, content type (i.e., article or book), range of publication dates, bible verse, etc.
Anchor Yale Bible Commentaries
- Draws from the wisdom and resources of Protestant, Catholic, and Jewish scholars from around the world.
- At the top of the page you can select “Content Types” to browse by a specific content type (i.e., Articles, eBooks, Images, etc.)
- If you click on “Advanced Search” you can narrow down resources by keyword, publication year, and content type.
- You can also click the question mark icon on the advanced search page in order to view searching tips.
Philosophy Now
- Contains magazines in the realm of philosophy.
- In the right hand corner of the homepage, you can search by keyword
- If you click “issues” you can browse by issues of the magazine
- If you click on “category” you can browse by categories such as Editorials, Interviews, Letter, etc.
- If you click “tags” you can see popular subjects that are written about in the magazines.
- Clicking on any of these subjects will allow you to see all the articles written about that subject