Political Science, Global Studies, Environmental Science and Policy Resources

CRS Reports

  • Information from the congressional research service (which is a component of the Library of Congress) that conducts research and analysis for Congress on a broad range of issues of national policy. 
  • If you click the question mark next to the search bar, you will be able to see tips on how to search 
  • Under the appropriations status tab, you can see the status of appropriations bills, as well as continuing resolutions, supplemental appropriations, and budget resolutions. 

Congressional Digest

  • Guides readers through both sides of current legislative, judicial, and international policy debates
  • Publishes Congressional Digest, Supreme Court Debates, and International Debates
  • The front page has current “hot topic issues” 
  • In the upper left hand corner, you can search using keywords. 
  • If you click “chronological index” at the top of the webpage, you can browse recent pro/con issues in congressional digest, supreme court debates, and international debate archives. 

Gale OneFile: News

  • Access major U.S. and international newspapers online
  • If you sign in with your St. Edwards email address, you will be able to see search history, which could be helpful if you are doing research projects. 
  • Search tools include topic finder, Subject Guide Search, and publication search
    • In the Topic Finder, you can input keywords and the database will generate a wheel of topics relating to those keywords. 
    • In the subject guide search you can search by subject as well as narrow your search to publication date, peer reviewed journals, and full text articles. 
    • In the publication search section you can search for specific publications as well as narrow your search by date, peer reviewed journals, type of publication, etc. 

Military & Government Collection

  • Provides full text for journals, newspapers and other periodicals relating to all branches of the military
  • You can log in with your St. Edward’s Gmail if you want to be able to save articles to the database itself. 
  • You can search by keywords or you can click search options below the basic search bar for more options 
  • For more information on how to search the database, click the question mark on the right hand side of the search bar 

Military and Intelligence OneFile

  • Search scholarly journals, magazines, and reports covering all aspects of past and present military affairs.
  • If you sign in with your St. Edwards email address, you will be able to see search history, which could be helpful if you are doing research projects. 
  • Search tools include topic finder, Subject Guide Search, and publication search
    • In the Topic Finder, you can input keywords and the database will generate a wheel of topics relating to those keywords. 
    • In the subject guide search you can search by subject as well as narrow your search to publication date, peer reviewed journals, and full text articles. 
    • In the publication search section you can search for specific publications as well as narrow your search by date, peer reviewed journals, type of publication, etc. 

Newspapers +

  • Includes articles from many national, international and regional newspapers, as well as television and radio news transcripts from major networks
  • You can log in with your St. Edward’s Gmail if you want to be able to save articles to the database itself. 
  • You can search by keywords or you can click search options below the basic search bar for more options 
  • For more information on how to search the database, click the question mark on the right hand side of the search bar