Early English Books Online (EEBO)
- Provides access to literary and historical classics written between 1475 and 1700 from authors such as Bacon, Boyle, Newton, and more.
- The database automatically opens to the advanced search. If you want to use the basic search tool, you can click “Early English Books Online (EEBO)” and it will pop up.
- In the basic search you can limit your search to full text articles or peer reviewed articles.
- If you want to use the advanced search, you can search by publication date, publication company, subject headings, source type (i.e., book or historical periodical, and language).
- Access literary works and authors throughout history, including full-text poems, plays, short stories, speeches, and more.
- If you click on term frequency, you can search Clicking on “person search” will allow you to look for a specific author by date of birth, name, gender, literary movement, etc. for a particular term and see all the articles that mention that term by publication year.
- To find a topic, in the “topic finder”, you can input keywords and the database will generate a wheel of topics relating to those keywords.
- You can also search for a specific work in the “Works Search” tab.
Literary Reference Center
- Provides users with information on thousands of authors and their works across literary disciplines and timeframes.
- If you sign in with your St. Edward’s email address, you can save articles and look at your search history
- You can browse by category on the left hand side of the webpage (i.e., classic poems, classic fiction, authors of YA literature, etc.)
- Also on the left hand side of the webpage, you can see references such as citation help, research guides, etc.
- In the basic search bar, you can search by keyword
- In the advanced search section, you can narrow your search by Boolean operators, full text, language, publication date, number of pages, document type, etc.
Literature Resource Center
- Find up-to-date biographies, overviews, full-text criticisms, audio interviews, and reviews on writers from all eras.
- If you sign in with your St. Edwards email address, you will be able to see search history, which could be helpful if you are doing research projects.
- Search tools include topic finder, Subject Guide Search, and publication search
- In the Topic Finder, you can input keywords and the database will generate a wheel of topics relating to those keywords.
- In the subject guide search you can search by subject as well as narrow your search to publication date, peer reviewed journals, and full text articles.
- In the publication search section you can search for specific publications as well as narrow your search by date, peer reviewed journals, type of publication, etc.
- You can also search for a specific work in the “Works Search” tab.
- Clicking on “person search” will allow you to look for a specific author by date of birth, name, gender, literary movement, etc.
Twayne’s Author Series
- Find in-depth critical introductions to the lives and works of major writers. Includes influences of literary movements.
- If you sign in with your St. Edwards email address, you will be able to see search history, which could be helpful if you are doing research projects.
- Clicking on “Title List” will allow you to see a list of all the available titles
- In the advanced search bar, you can narrow your search by Boolean Operators, Publication Title, and Publication Year.
Twentieth-Century Poetry
- Collection of poetry written by the most important and influential poets of the 20th century from the United Kingdom and the United States.
- Click either 20th Century American Poetry or 20th Century English Poetry.
- The database automatically populates the advanced search page. Clicking on “20th Century American Poetry” or “20th Century English Poetry” (depending on which sub database you previously selected) will allow you to go back to the basic search.
- In the advanced search, you can narrow your search by Boolean Operators, Publication Date, Work Type, etc.