January 14- 18

January 14: On campus. Introductions, review of course syllabus, and discussion on the meaning of revolution.  If time permits, we will view Catalysts for Change: Exploration, War, and Revolution (part on Revolution, segments 1, 4-8,10, 12, 14, 15). Otherwise, view it for Thursday’s online discussion.

*January 16: Online. Please view: Catalysts for Change: Exploration, War, and Revolution (part on Revolution, segments 1, 4-8,10, 12, 14, 15).  You will find this on the Munday Library Website in the database, Films on Demand. Write review of this documentary  (See “Learning Activities and Course Requirements,” # IIIB on your syllabus), and submit it under “Assignments” in Blackboard by midnight on Thursday, January 16th.  (The documentary review questions are the same for each documentary, and are the ones on III B of the syllabus.).

In addition, choose one question about this documentary on the study guide, questions #1-6 below, and post an answer to this on the Blackboard discussion board. Comment on at least one classmate’s posting by Saturday, January 18th at Noon. Comments about a classmate’s post should be substantive; they should provide constructive criticism or explain agreement, and should be several sentences long. There is no non-verbal communication or body language over the Internet; treat fellow students as you would like to be treated.

Study Guide Questions:

Catalysts for Change: Exploration, War, and Revolution (part on Revolution):

  1. How does this documentary define revolution? What is a “political revolution?”
  2. How was democracy defined in ancient Greece?
  3. What triggers revolution?
  4. Explain Jack Goldstone’s statement “Actually, the outcome of the revolution is a mixed bag” (See segment 14).
  5. Analyze how communications technology has changed the “development of revolutions. ” How did communication technology affect the 2011 Arab spring revolts? The answer to this second question is not in the documentary. Think about it from what happened in the spring of 2011 in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya.
  6. Examine how globalization and democracy have affected revolutions.

Estimated time: viewing documentary and writing review- 2 hrs; answering questions, reviewing other students’ postings, and posting comments- 2.5 hours.  Total: (4.5 hrs.)