April 6-12

Discussion of Islamic Revolutionary Movements and the 2011 Arab Spring Revolts.

For April 8th, you may choose to read either of the following on the
Arab Spring revolts of 2011 posted under “Course Documents.” The first
is: Goldstone, Jack A. “Understanding the Revolutions of 2011.” Foreign Affairs 90.3 (May/June 2011): 8-16. World History Collection. Web. 19 August 2011.   The other is Chapter 1 from:  Ghonin, Wael. Revolution 2.0:The Power of the People is Greater than the People in Power. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2012. 1-27. Wael is an Egyptian who works for Google who helped organize demonstrations against Mubarak by using social media.   His use of social media helped to bring the government down.

Read De Fronzo, Chapter 8, as well as either the Goldstone article or
the chapter from Ghonim on the Middle Eastern Revolutionary Movements
of 2011.Choose one of the following sections of De Fronzo: 343-350, 350-354, 354 (bottom)-362, 368-378 to summarize and analyze orally in class.  We will also discuss the articles on the Arab Spring revolts.  Half of your grade this week will be based on your oral class engagement. The other half will be on your question and response for our Egyptian guest.

We have a special treat this week and next. We will be joined asynchronously on our discussion board  by an Egyptian acquaintance of mine, who is a women’s advocate and lives in Egypt.  I will call her “J. Egypt” (Not her real name).   Rather than posting answers online, please post a question for J. Egypt by April 8 th, and respond to her by April 17th, if she is able to answer you.  She will also post some information about women in Egypt and a bit about the organization with which she is affiliated.  She will be out of town this week, but will respond as soon as she can. It will be no later than midnight Central time on Tuesday, April 15th.

Preview of assignment for April 15thDraft of first two pages of research paper, an outline of entire paper, and a tentative Works Cited are due on April 15thThese will need to be submitted to Turnitin via Blackboard before class time on the April 15th.

Estimated time: reading -5 hrs; preparing summary for oral discussion summary, and posting question for Egyptian guest and responding to her-2 hrs. Total: (7 hrs.)