Study Guide #2

Study Guide #2
2nd Assignment: Due to discuss online on 2/13 on Blackboard

1. Read Sherman and Meyer, 98-141, Chapters 7-9.; MLA students should also read, The Mexican Reader, 122-130. 
2. By 2/13 @ 9 PM, post answers on Blackboard discussion board to three questions from chapters 7-9. These must be from different chapters. Also, MLA Students, please post a 1 page analytical summary of the article, “Why the Indians are Dying.”
3. By 2/15, at Noon, post a comment on at least one other student’s answer to a question. By now, you should have begun your research and writing of the Conquest paper.

You should know the answers to all of the questions below.

I. Chapter 7–The Settlement of New Spain

A. What occurred in New Spain as a result of Cortes’ expedition to Honduras? Analyze why.
B. Compare and contrast the roles of the following: Council of Indies, audiencia, Viceroy
C. Analyze the conflict between Guzman and Zumarraga
D. Evaluate if the first viceroy was an effective administrator?
E. What were the “New Laws?” Who pushed for them? Analyze their effectiveness.

II. Chapter 8–Imperial System Entrenched

A. Explain Obedezco Pero No Cumplo.
B. What adjectives do the authors use to describe Colonial Hapsburg policy?
C. Evaluate the deficiencies the corregidores, alcades, mayores, gobernadores, and the corregidor de indios often had?
D. Assess the reasons behind the revolt led by the sons of the conquistadors. What were the results of this revolt?
E. Trace (in words) the boundaries of New Spain by the end of the 17th century.

III. Chapter 9–The Economy

A. Define mercantilism and the analyze the effects it had on the economy of New Spain. Explain how this is an example of early economic globalization.
B. What goods were shipped from New Spain to the mother country?
C. Imagine you are a businessperson in New Spain in the 1600s. What goods would you allow to be manufactured? What would Spain prohibit you from manufacturing? Why? Do you think the British and French colonists in North America were similarly restricted?
D. You are an Indian who used to live on an encomienda. Since the
encomienda system was abolished, you are now subject to the
repartimiento. How has your work situation changed under the
repartimiento? Still later in you life you work at a hacienda and become a peone. Are you any better or worse off than you were when you lived on the encomienda? Why?

Estimated time: reading- 5 hours;; formulating answers and reviewing other students’ postings and formulating comment/s- 2.5 hours; begin research and writing of Conquest paper-8 hours.Total= 15.5 hrs.  Additional time for MLA students: 1 hr.


For 2/20 – 2nd campus discussion meeting:

1. Read Meyer et al. text, 142-170 (chapters 10-11). MLA Students should also read The Mexican Reader, 114-121.
2. Submit sections 1, 2, and 3 (about 7-8 pages) of a journal and research paper about the conquest, as well of a Works Cited of al least three sources to Turnitin via Blackboard. Also, bring in a hard copy. See different page length for MLA students.  See syllabus# III C. A 72-hour grace period for the paper is available by request.
3. Be prepared to discuss the questions below. In addition we may discuss further some of the questions above from the online discussion. MLA Students should be prepared to give a brief oral analytical summary of the article on the spiritual conquest.
4. Because of the paper assignment, insight page and question are optional this week, but please read the material before you come to class and be ready to discuss it. You will be graded on your oral participation only.

IV. Chapter 10–The Church

A. Analyze in what ways the Church and State were intertwined.
B. Evaluate the role of the Inquisition in Colonial Mexico.
C. You are taking a walk in Mexico City on a feast day in the year 1600. What might you see and hear on this walk that would indicate the position of the Catholic Church in this society? The answer is not in the text. This is a critical thinking question.
D. Assess the causes of anticlerical feeling.

V. Chapter 11–Colonial Society: Race, Class, and Gender

A. Analyze why the society of colonial Mexico be could be considered a “pigmentocracy?” You will not find this word in the dictionary. Use your critical thinking to determine what it might mean.
B. Describe life for the peninsulares, criollos, mestizos, indians, blacks, and women in colonial New Spain.
C. Draw a “pigmentocratic pyramid” including various groups in New Spain such as the peninsulares, mulattos, zambos, criollos, blacks, and mestizos. Place each group in its place within this pyramid. Be sure you know the definition of each. Where did women fit into this pyramid?
D. Trace what happened to the Mexican Indian population within fifty years of the conquest. Why?
E. How much did the Black population grow 125 years after the conquest? Why?

VI. Women in Mexico

I will provide more information about women during this time period.

Estimated time: reading- 4 hrs; conclude  research and writing of conquest paper,  Sections 1-3 -10 hrs; class time-3 hrs. Total= 17 hours. Additional time for MLA students: 1 hr.