
Making media material for an event, where students would present talks and make arguments on various subjects
Projection that could go on when there is no concurrent presentation

Map that I created for my personal group of DnD players as they are exploring the world I am leading them through.Project in which I took 4 figures, measured them by there influence and attempted to find where they would cross over and be in the same location.

One of the headshot drawings of one of my player’s characters, to be used for material if it ever grew into something more, as well to give my players more visuals to work with.Small handout flyers made for the Asian Pop Culture Club to help share the event, and invite people to come.Designs made to be made with a plotter with high amount of variability, following a set of rules for generation.
Matchbook made to imitate the style and look of a prop in a movie, this imparticular mimics the appearance of the casino in Blade Runner 2049.Final drawing for a surrealist peace made using white charcoal pencils on black paper.