Three 90’s Music Videos

The first video, My Bloody Valentine’s, Soon, reeks of the 90’s with very odd cinematography choices, with the constant overlays, odd choreography, and way too much contrast. Maybe it was supposed to be imitating a drug trip, or it needed be viewed with one. The Cocteau Twins song suffers from a similar 90ism effect, opting to have the music video leaving me with a sense of uneasiness, with again a high contrast camera with relatively low film quality, and constant shifts back and forth between a ball of fuzzy nothing transitioning to people playing the song or them out in nature. While personally I feel the third one is the best out of the three, It definitely still suffers from the same issues as the others with the 90isms, however the fact that the video isn’t just pure white eye cancer helps. The fades and overlays are still not there, as they crowd the screen and don’t really lead your eyes in a way that makes any sort of sense. All three pieces are still very similar with female leads, with a guitar base, the differences lie in the fact the singer for Lush is actually singing, while the other two just sort of mumble and moan to hit notes. The effects that they apply to their sounds are different too, with an echo being applied to the first (which sounds bad), a sort of compression in the Cocteau Twins one (which sounds bad), and a subtle distortion in the Lush song (which isn’t great but isn’t terrible). In short, I’ve think I’ve found that I don’t like music videos that have the visuals original color balance tempered with to an extreme level, and for the sound to not sound authentic, and droning.

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