The Professors

Bob was the first to talk about his past and his work in the seminar, telling of his love of pinball, his involvement in revolutionary games such as Barbies Race & Ride, and other cool things he did while involved in the industry.

Joe Vitone went next showing his collection of photos taken of ordinary people. The set featured people in his family with some of the people appearing in more than one of the images taken several years apart.

Alex went last focusing not on her own work but that of her children with photos passing rapidly. She talked about how the children coming in changed her life and there by her art, constraining her space and time to work. She finished the set with some of her works that took some inspiration on the simple ideas put in her children’s strange photos.

While this class has not done much itself, it felt like it served as a reminder as to why I’m here, seeing these people who are working in areas that I want to reach and with people who I want to meet. This semester has felt like, how I imaging a tutorial for college would be set up. Nothing too overwhelming, but some challenges to prepare you for whats coming. And don’t think I didn’t notice the change in the seminars homework from something that could be bullcrapped, to something that you hopefully took notes in class for. It was a good idea to make people pay attention in class, but I feel quite a bit of content could have been missed out on, by changing too this formula.

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