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Crown Election Story

The battle for presidency of the United States between secretary of state, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and business billionaire, Donald Trump, began 595 days ago and is set to end on election day- today. While there are no voting… Continue Reading →

Lopez Election Story

Tensions have run high at St. Edward’s University in terms of the election. While some value the act of voting, others saw not voting as their own form of expression. AP Style = full first name on first reference For… Continue Reading →

Story II Lockett

https://medium.com/@lockett.sully096/alone-from-birth-62e22019b6c7#.vtsk8nd88 This has the potential to be a very interesting story. A couple of points: This story needs to answer one simple question: Why are we reading it? What is it about this story that is generally compelling? Why does… Continue Reading →


Nice job. I’d start with a straightforward lead. Be careful to keep your opinion out of your news stories. You did a lot of good, contextual reporting. “And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do… Continue Reading →

CUNEO – Election Day

Some basic news writing stuff here: Remember to write short sentences and short paragraphs.Put all quotes in their own paragraphs. Keep yourself out of news stories (don’t write in the third person, “I”) and don’t write a concluding paragraph. It’s… Continue Reading →

Election Interviews

Hailey Williams “I’m not registered to vote here because I’m waiting until I go home to register and vote for representatives in my own county in Houston, TX.” “I have family members running and my hope is that when I… Continue Reading →

Lockett Story III Pitch

Tenatively, story of SSgt Michael Burns and his wife’s difficulties concieving, both naturally and artificially, over a period of years, in a religious and cultural community that actively shuns artificial means of conception.

Ibarra BS3 Pitch

WeMadeIt–Profile on David Sollee, the singer and ukulelist who plays in a band called the Soulies. They play about four shows a week. Although they have their own music, they mainly perform covers. What are his struggles? What lead him… Continue Reading →

CUNEO – Election Poll Worker

The poll worker I interviewed was named Paul. He gave me the look that he didn’t want to tell me his last name for some reason, I mean I guess he was scared of what I was going to ask…. Continue Reading →

Crown Story 2 Draft


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