This cartoon by Amro Selim depicts the conflict between the Egyptian youth and the President Al-Sisi. Currently, the youth in Egypt want to be more involved in the parliament but with recent protests, Al-Sisi has “banned” them from doing so. This play on words the cartoon portrays, shows how the youth no longer want to be ostracized. This cartoon brings in a more multilateral approach in including the youth’s perspective along with the president’s. The youth do not want Sisi in charge and vice versa. This image encompasses a large debate in the country and is interesting how political cartoons try to portray the ideas of the people from multiple perspectives. It is intriguing to see how the youth’s perspective on the parliament as opposed to the general public or mocking the president. Alongside media restrictions, it is fascinating to see other cartoons about different issues that are currently happing in Egypt. Most of the cartoons that have been published lately are about the current media restrictions, so it is nice to evaluate something besides that current issue.
The second article I posted in Diigo is about how Arab comics are being incorporated into academics around the globe, including Arab schools. The article is entitled, “Arab Comics: Fit for Academic Exploration”, published in Al-Fanar Media. The article discusses how Arab comics are expanding in popularity even amongst scholars and how universities are starting to include classes about them. Throughout the article, political liberalism is seen by examples of multiple perspectives on the matter. The article discusses how at first people were reluctant to see Arab cartoons as a form of art or of any means to study, but as the Arab cartoon industry expanded, so did the awareness of it. The article goes into some detail how people from around the world are know interpreting cartoons from multiple standpoints, brining in more of a multilateral approach. I was unaware that Arab comics were not of great importance until recently. I find it interesting to see different people’s perspectives and interpretations on the same cartoons.
Great to start with sharing resources that you used! I’m glad too that you focused your presentation through perspectives on globalization. I’m gravely curious to know more about the cartoonist who was executed.
I came across an Arabic cartoon that showed “yes to, Sisi and Sisi to yes” on Twitter. I didn’t know what it meant then, but now I know! Very interesting!
Awesome topic and I really like the design of your blog! It seems silly to think of a government feeling threatened by a cartoon. :-/ where are these published?