This week I read another two articles that discussed Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). The first one was Egypt: Report on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or Female Genital Cutting. This one explains the three different forms of FGM. It goes into detail about what each form is like. Type 3 is worst and most dangerous. It involves the removal of all the clitoris. The procedure leaves the woman with a small slit, the size of a matchstick, where urine and menstrual blood may come through. Many women die during childbirth from complications. The second article I read was in Cosmopolitan magazine. It was called 3 Survivors Reveal the Brutal Reality of Female Genital Mutilation. The article consisted of three stories from women who went through FGM. The names were changed for privacy reasons but the first story the women talks about the cruel treatment she endured during the procedure. She mentioned that many of the girls died because they bled to death. She moved to the US to escape the harsh treatments. She also states that she will not have her daughters go through FGM.
Both these articles were hard to read because of the information contained in stories. I think it was necessary for me to read actual stories of FGM victims to find out true facts rather than facts that the government shares. The FGM procedure is extremely dangerous and I don’t think anyone deserves to be put through such pain. The young girls do not have a choice whether to have the procedure done. FGM affects their whole life from health complications to childbirth problems.