Log In

Browse to http://academic.stedwards.edu/worthconsidering
click on the link towards the bottom of the right column to log in with your normal username and password.
Add New

On the toolbar above hover over Add New and click on Post
New Post

- Create a Title in the Title area
- Add any body information (like an article or introduction to the podcast)
Insert Audio

On the Upload / Insert Toolbar click on the Audio Insert Icon.
Add Audio

In the Add Audio dialog box:
- Click on the Select Files Button
- Browse to Dropbox Folder and select appropriate file
- Click Open

Once the media has been selected:
- Add an appropriate title
- Optionally add a caption and / or description
- Triple Click in the Link URL box and copy the URL
- Click on the Save All Changes button.
Once finished click on the X in the top right corner.
Podcast Settings

- Click on the Add Media File button (this will expand to the image seen below)
- Paste the location of the media file into Location
- Optionally add a TItle.
Leave all other settings the same.

Finally once everything is finished navigate to the top right of the page to the Publish options.
- Select appropriate categories for this post / podcast.
- Click the Publish button to publish the post.
Once the post is published go back to your site to see the newly published post.