Foundations Reading 1


What is your personal view of the difference between the designer and the artist?

Before these readings, I never really gave much thought to the differences between designer and artist. In fact, I thought they were more or less interchangeable. After reading the selection by Norman Potter, I see now that the realms of designers and artists are both very distinct. From what I read, it seems as though designers are held to stricter restraints and demands, whereas artists are able to more freely create things. Designers seem to be much more analytical and have good problem-solving skills, not only with themselves but with others as well. Overall there are strong differences between the two that I overlooked at first.

Which are you? Why?

I think that I am more of an artist than a designer. When creating, I am not usually at the mercy of anyone else’s opinions aside from my own. I especially enjoy painting and mixed media, two areas dominated by artists rather than designers. I also have little to no experience working in a traditional design setting, which separates me from designers even more. I believe that I have some of the qualities of a designer (good communication skills, a lively imagination, etc.) but I definitely identify more with artists.

George Nelson – Good Design: What is it for?

Tradition vs. Technology
– There must first be a need and designer
– When technology is slow, tradition takes over
Function Highly Overrated
– No connection between level/type of need and design quality
The ‘Designer’ Need not be an Individual
– No design can exist in isolation
– Designer as more of social process of trial, selection, and rejection rather than individual
An Impossible Comparison
– Historical discrepancies are not a basis for comparison (ex. chariot vs. Italian car)
A Kleenex Culture
– More and more consumer products shift to disposable basis
– Consequence of increased knowledge and expansion of productivity
Rapidity of Recent Changes
– Rapid development of contemporary design
– Attempts made to create new design rather than depend on old forms/symbols
– Not all contemporary design is good design
Extravagant Claims for Good Design
– Being surrounded by good design does not necessarily create a good designer
What Good Design is Not…
– Good design = manifestation of capacity of human spirit to transcend limitations
– Maker is enriched through spirit of creating
– Good design cannot make life better, only you can do that
– Purpose of good design = ornament existence, not substitute for it

Norman Potter – Is a Designer an Artist?

– Designers work through and for other people, and are primarily concerned with problems not their own
– For most designers, the point of no return is final (vs. the continual creation of artists and their work)
– Changes are not always determined by what the designer wants
– Designer provides instructions and must keep different viewpoints in agreement, and sometimes has contractual relationships with people
– Designer is highly ‘problem conscious’
– Designer must have judgement, discrimination, and lively imagination
– The verbal prowess of designers is crucial but often overlooked
– Artists are not as contractually bound to responsibilities as designers

Donald Judd – It’s Hard to Find a Good Lamp

– Fundamental difference between art and architecture is that art cannot be imposed on furniture or architecture